Danielle1597's Comments (12)

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Below are comments about Danielle1597's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Dear Danielle, I am always looking forward to your new artwork wondering whose style you are interpreting. Picasso was always something of an enigma. Keep up the good work. With Love, Oma
- on May 16, 2008
Hi Dani, Your newest artwork is fantastic!! What an artist you are. Your artistic ability must come from your Great Grandmother!! She would be proud of your drawings too! Keep up the good work. This one is my favorite!! EXCELLENT!! Lots of Love, Nana & Poppy
- on May 16, 2008
Dani, your snowglobe is wonderful. It is so detailed and I find new characters just looking at it. I aslo love the base of the globe. You are so talented. Keep up the great work. Love, Oma
- on May 16, 2008
Hi Dani, This is one of your BEST!! You did very well on this project!! All very "detailed" drawing. I must print this one out. Keep up the good work. All your artwork is TERRIFIC!!! Love, Nana xo
- on March 15, 2008
Dani I love the frog! It reminds me of you, hahahaha. Keep creative. I look forward to more lovely projects! Love Mom
- on November 18, 2007
Great Going, Dani! I am delighted to see another creation of yours. Keep up the good work. Lots of love, Oma
- on November 18, 2007
Dear Dani! I love your newest artwork. It makes me smile. Keep up the great work. With love, Oma
- on November 18, 2007
Dear Dani, I love your Mondrian! It's a beautiful combination of space, lines, and color. I also love your Hearts! It reminds me of Valentine's Day just looking at it. I am looking forward to future artworks from you. With love, Oma
- on March 28, 2007
Dear Dani, I love your art work! It is really great! To me it is great by all the diffent colors.Because I like animals Ilike the bird.Also about that hole in that hole in the tree does a owl live in there?keep it up love Erin.
- on March 28, 2007
Hi Danielle, What nice artwork you did!! Very colorful. We can't wait to see more of your art in the future!! Keep up the good work. Much Love, Nana & Poppy xoxo
- on March 28, 2007
Hi Dani, Your artwork is very creative!! Poppy and I are proud of you too. I can't wait to see more. :) Love, Nana xo
- on March 28, 2007
Dani I love your art work! I'm so proud of you. Keep up the good work. Love Mom
- on November 27, 2006