Rachel: I really love the detail in your work. The texture adds so much and is delightful to see. Keep up the good work. Ruthanne -- Ruthanne
- on May 19, 2010
Hope this lovely butterfly travels to Nashua and lands on our butterfly bush we have in our yard!!It is a beauty and beautiful job Rach. -- Marion
- on May 19, 2010
Rachel This drawingg reminds me of stained glass ! You always create something that surprises me. I love all of the patterns you've used. Grammy -- Grammy
- on May 19, 2010
Wow, Rachel! This is beautiful! It is perfect for this time of year, with the fall colors and the blue-blue sky. ~Auntie Jen
- on October 27, 2009
Hi Rachel, I love your picture of a piece of cake...to me, it looks like an ice cream cake with all the flavors of the rainbow. I wish I could eat it!! I bet it is delicious. Congatulations on the Publisher's Award! Love, Nana
- on May 15, 2008
Rachel, Your cake looks good enough to eat and to get lost in and fly aroung in. When I look at it it makes me happy. The colors are beautiful and when I look at it long enough I can feel myself standing in all the gorgeous color where no rain falls. Keep up the good work. Ruthanne
- on May 6, 2008
Hi Rachel, I just saw your new artwork. It is so pretty! I just love the colors you used. Isn't it fun to do ? I love you madly. Grammy
- on May 3, 2008
Very interesting Rachel! Love all the colors. I am thinking it could even be something on a plate good enough to eat........or even a kite flying high in the sky, so high the string broke & it just sailed in front of a full moon in the evening sky. I just love it! Mimi
- on May 3, 2008
Rachel, I am so impressed by all of the great art work you've done. It was so nice to go to the Currier Museum with you and then to see your work. You have certainly been inspired by the greats, and are becoming one yourself! Bravo! Love, Auntie Jen
- on May 2, 2008
Very nice, Rachel. We have a cardinal that comes to our feeder every day. He looks just like yours!. Love, Nana
- on March 28, 2007
Hi Rachel, Your artwork just gets better and better...looks like a family of three cardinals......We hope this awesome family of birds comes to visit us in Nashua soon!! Great job and keep "em coming!!!!! Love, Mimi
- on March 26, 2007
Hi, Rachel I love your cardinals . They look very happy sitting on those leafy branches. I love to see your art work.
- on March 26, 2007
Hi Rachel, Spring must be here because there are the first Robins of the season. Is this a photograph taken from out your window? Oh it's a drawing! So beautiful! We had robins nesting outside out kitchen window, and they looked just like this! Great job. Love, Aunty Jen
- on March 26, 2007
Miss Rachel, Once again, your art work has left me in awe! Besides being very beautiful you have a way of "naturally" accomplishing what artists strive for. Your composition of the flowers in a vase creates a wonderful "tension" that makes the picture very interesting. You have the blue vase going just enough to the left and the flowers to the right, all held together by the perfectly placed background shapes and the just right table. This picture is very Matisse like only you use much prettier colors!! Love, Nana
- on February 8, 2007
Rachel, This one is perfect for Valentine's Day.....beautiful flowers in a very pretty vase with heart flowing around the picture as if the smells were seeping into the air. I think I can even smell the sweet scents!! Love, Mimi
- on February 8, 2007
Rachel, I like this one the best. It is very interesting and reminds me of the Roman Empire days. You should put a name on this one.....! Love, Mimi
- on February 8, 2007
Hi Rachel, Your fruit bowl looks good enough to eat!!! Watermelon is one of my favorites but hate picking out the seeds...YUMMMMM! Great design on the outline of the fruit bowl too showing all the different fruits...Great job! Love, Mimi
- on February 8, 2007
Dear Rachel, I loved your pictures. They are all very special. The flowers, lady and fruit bowl are wonderful. You used three different styles of painting and they are all nice. Thank you , Rachel I was feeling lonely today and you made me smile. I love you, Grammy
- on February 8, 2007
Hi Rachel, I just love this picture. Mmmmm, yummy. Looking at this makes me hungry! You are such great artist. I can't wait to see you. Love, Auntie Jen
- on February 8, 2007
I have no idea what to say to you except that this is quite remarkable. It is very absorbing and evokes some calming thoughts. Thank you Rachel for showing me this. I'm glad I know you. Grampa
- on December 2, 2006
Rachel...one more question...how on earth did you know that when you made the color green get lighter as it ascended to the top of him, that you made him look verrrry tall, reaching into the sky??? You are brilliant! Nana
- on December 1, 2006
Rachel, You are a true "colorist"!! Only a true artist dares to paint snow green and have everyone else see it as "cool white". You are a painting master! The New York Galleries can hardly wait for your work. Love, Nana
- on December 1, 2006
Rachel, I love how you made the snow look like it was blowing all around your snowman. Great job!
- on December 1, 2006
Rachel....your snowman looks so happy out there with all the wind blowing around him....reminds me of Winnie the Pooh on a blustery day!! Love your picture.
- on November 27, 2006
Rachel: I really love this piece of artwork. Your snowman is happy to be doing his job of making us feel good. I especially like his scarf, it makes him look jolly. I'll be watching to see what else you do. xo Ruthanne
- on November 24, 2006
Rachel, I love your painting. Even though it looks cold and it looks like the snow is blowing around your snow man (snow person?) looks very happy!
- on November 22, 2006
This looks like a Christmas card in a Hallmark Store. Wonderful job! Pepere
- on November 22, 2006
Your painting looks so alive. I get chilly just looking at it. Bravo!
- on November 21, 2006
Now THAT'S art! love, Uncle Tony and Aunt Mary
- on November 21, 2006
Rachel, As always, I love the picture you made. We'll have to make a real snowman when it snows. Love, Daddy
- on November 20, 2006
Rachel, I love your snowman picture! It reminds me of a blustery, winter day. It makes me want to have a cup of cocoa. Love, Mommy