Miles4872's Comments (5)

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Below are comments about Miles4872's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Miles, All 7 of your pieces of artwork are so amazing and so very different!! Wonderful creations! Love Shubby and Opa
-- Sharon/Nik
- on May 29, 2019
Deae Miles, I LOVE the fish in the bowl! It is so colorful and well drawn. You are becoming such a good artist. I'm proud of you and all the hard work you put into your schoolwork. I am so happy to be able to see your work on my iPad. It makes my day. Love you much, Grammie
-- Mary Ann
- on May 29, 2019
Hi Miles, I love the flower you just did. It is so much fun seeing your artwork. I'm visiting with friends but will be home Sunday. Hope to see you soon. Love you much, Grammie
-- Mary Ann
- on May 1, 2019
Dear Miles, I love this artwork. The colors are wonderful! It is so much fun opening up my iPad and seeing your artwork. It let's me see what you are learning in school. Love you.
-- Grammie
- on April 10, 2019
Dear Miles, I love your newest artwork! You did an amazing job. I am so proud of you! I can hardly wait to see your next picture! Love you, Grammie xxxx
-- Mary Ann
- on April 8, 2019