Lila2460's Comments (16)

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Below are comments about Lila2460's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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You continue to awe me with your creativity about Aki's world! A living room with a slide would certainly be fun!!!! What's the back story behind the "watermelon free zone?" Is that for medical or neatness reasons???? Love your fantastic ideas! You go girl!!!!!!
- Grammy on August 12, 2020
Lila usually gives wonderful side stories to explain her artwork. This piece, interesting and thought-provoking, needs a bit more information to help this viewer!
- Grammy on June 24, 2020
This is an interesting piece. I would like to read Lila's title and explanation about it before commenting is difficult to discern what she was attempting.
- Grammy on June 24, 2020
You are so so imaginative! I'd love for you to put a book together with all these art works as illustrations and a cohesive story! That would be so neat! Maybe a June project??? ????????????
- Grammy on May 29, 2020
I definitely think you love creating story characters! You seem to enjoy illustrating and describing them, along with imagining their strengths, and other details of their life! YOU GO GIRL!!!????????
- Grammy on May 29, 2020
Lila, This work is fantastic! I love how you recycled a former piece into this art work! I also enjoyed the detailed story! You have such a great imagination and awareness of details!!!! I can't wait to watch you learn, grow each year, and how you uniquely use YOUR MANY TALENTS!!!!
- Grammy on May 10, 2020
Not only are your drawings innovative, but your backstories are, too! I wonder where you get your inspirations! I'd love you to expand some of your concepts into longer stories!
- Grammy on April 29, 2020
Lila.....I love your work!! ????????????
- Grammy on April 29, 2020
Lila, You have so many interesting stories in your head to illustrate. Have you thought about writing books and illustrating them? You could draw or find pictures to paste onto the pages. Your sisters, parents and other family members would love to read them! Love your hard work and efforts!!
- Grammy on April 29, 2020
Great job Lila!!
- Jeff on April 3, 2020
Lila....I love how you just let your imagination carry you forward artistically.....that you don't need a specific plan in order to express yourself. Yes, even at sunset, surrounded by the sky's beauty, people can feel bored or involved in their own thoughts. Grammy ????????????
- Grammy on April 3, 2020
I love your use of contrasting colors and then the orange slices to tie the project together! It's interesting details, like the blue tape that make me, the viewer, wonder what happened to the milk glass to break it.....that the owner repaired it rather than replaced it....maybe it was very special?????????
- Grammy on March 4, 2020
You are such an inquisitive person! This picture tells me that you are always watching and wondering about EVERYTHING all around you! You are a natural born learner! ????????????
- Grammy on February 19, 2020
You are certainly a creative artist! Love your color mixing! ????????????
- Grammy on February 19, 2020
So creative! Poppy & I would like to take you & your family to this restaurant! Chocolate appetizers!!!! Yum!!????????????
- Grammy on February 19, 2020
I love your creativity---especially the googly eyes! I wonder what your ice cream people would talk about, if you wrote conversation bubbles for them! Are they the same flavor??
-- Grammy Barbara
- on February 17, 2019