Reilly1091's Comments (13)

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Below are comments about Reilly1091's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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What a rad seahorse! I love your color choice and the way blended colors. And let’s talk about the hat!!! The coolest seahorse in the sea! Continue to keep art alive; looking forward to seeing more from you !
- VERONICA (Mother) on November 29, 2023
Reilly I love the way your mind and hands create such beauty!!
- Veronica on March 15, 2023
This piece is so amazing baby! It conveys beauty, history, power, and love. I love it!
- Bryan (Father) on March 1, 2023
So beautiful niece!
- Breah on March 15, 2023
I love this Reilly ! It’s very unique
- Carla on March 15, 2023
Reilly D, your artwork is wonderful! The colors blend very well together. I am so proud of you! Keep on being creative and inspirational. I Love you very much!
- Grandma Pope on February 12, 2020
Beautiful photo niece! You are a great artist!
- Auntie Breah on February 12, 2020
Thank you for sharing this with us baby. You are really good at taking objects and creating art with those objects.
- Bryan (Father) on December 16, 2019
Reilly, this is so amazing! I agree with mommy. There is something peaceful about this painting. Your creativity brings so much joy to my life.
- Bryan (Father) on December 16, 2019
I absolutely love this ??
- Auntie Breannah on December 11, 2019
There is something peaceful about this painting. I love it .
- VERONICA (Mother) on December 3, 2019
Beautifully done Reilly! I love the details you put in your leaves to make them look realistic and the colors you chose are great .
- VERONICA (Mother) on December 3, 2019
Reilly, you are such an artist! Beautiful picture.
- Auntie Breah on December 4, 2019