Love the Art Museum building! very detailed! Keep going with ur art work, I really enjoy it! Love u, Aunt Linda
- on September 10, 2009
Hey Billy, I see you have been very busy with the new art work. Kyleigh and I love the new peices~! Love you, Aunt Linda
- on May 13, 2009
LOVE THE ARTWORK BILLY!!! Keep up the good work. LOVE YOU!!!-Mom.
- on March 19, 2009
Love the new one Billy, keep it up! Love you, Aunt Lynda
- on March 19, 2009
Billy this is still a very unique and interesting heart Love you, Aunt Linda
- on March 19, 2009
Hey Billy! Great snowman, Have you been talking to your granny about the snow? I especially like the the redbirs on it! Love you, Aunt Lynda
- on March 19, 2009
Great Heart Billy! Love Aunt Lynda
- on March 19, 2009
Hey Billy, Love the landscapes. Grandma C would be proud! Love you, Aunt Lynda
- on March 19, 2009
Hey Billy, It just keeps getting better and better! Love the numbers! and love you, Aunt Linda
- on March 19, 2009
Love the pinch pot Billy, Keep up the good work! Aunt Linda
- on March 19, 2009
Hey Billy, I guess I missed some of your art work this year! I just had to catch up on you. I like the colors inthis one, I love the holly leaves, Holly is one of my favorite plants. Keep up with the great work! I promise to check in more often~ Love you, Aunt Lynda
- on March 19, 2009
Billy, I love your fish. Awesom job. Mrs. Jones
- on March 19, 2009
Hey Billy, Love the race car! keep up the good work!~ Love, Aunt Lynda
- on March 19, 2009
Awesome drawing. It has so much detail. Thanks, for bringing it to school and sharing it with me. Mrs. Jones.
- on March 19, 2009
hi billy, good work. I love you granny
- on March 19, 2009
Hey Billy! love the rainbow fish! You are doing such a great job with your art! We are so proud of u! Love, Aunt Lynda
- on March 19, 2009
This one is very interesting, Billy. Keep up the good work! Aunt Lynda
- on March 19, 2009
Love the new one Billy, Keep up the good work! Love you, Aunt Lynda
- on March 19, 2009
Billy this is too cool!! You need to tell me about it when you come over next time. Lots of LOVE, Granny
- on March 19, 2009
Love the new art! keep up the good work! Aunt Lynda
- on March 19, 2009
Billy - This is wonderful!!! Very good composition and wonderful style!!
- on March 19, 2009
Wow this is a really good picture, but all of them are, keep up the good work.
- on March 19, 2009
Love the new one Billy! Great colors and abstracts. Aunt Lynda
- on March 19, 2009
Billy, Love your new art. Keep up the good work. Love you bunches Granny
- on March 19, 2009
Like the 2 new ones Billy. You've been a busy boy this year. Keep up the good work through the summer. Love, Aunt Lynda
- on September 24, 2007
Hi Billy! I am your Granny's cousin, Patty. I really like this piece. Very good work, when I was in school I enjoyed art and continued taking classes for a long time. Keep at it! Luv ya, Cousin Patty
- on September 24, 2007
Hey Billy, I keep checking on this magneficent art work! It just keeps getting better and better! Love you, Aunt Lynda
- on September 24, 2007
I think Billy's artwork is fantastic! His work is very mature and he has a great imagination. Thank you for your artwork, A student of the arts and a friend of Uncle Bobby
- on September 24, 2007
Beautifull work Billy. Love You, Mom and Dad.
- on April 17, 2007
Hi Billy, I like your new artwork. Keep up the good work! Aunt Lynda
- on April 17, 2007
- on April 17, 2007
Hey Billy, Love the art work! Looking forward to seeing more of it! Aunt Linda
- on April 17, 2007
Hey Billy!!! I see you are doing well in school with art!!! This is really cool!!! I like it!!!!
- on March 14, 2007
Billy, I enjoyed your art work very much,I am very proud of you .Keep up the good work. Aunt Patsy