Charlotte7698's Comments (12)

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Below are comments about Charlotte7698's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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I love your picture of a starry night Charlotte. Looking at the stars with a telescope is fun to do on a clear night. Remember looking at the stars when we were camping? I love seeing your artwork!
- Mary on November 17, 2021
Hi Charlotte - I really like your newest art piece. The colors are some of my favorite ones. Keep up the good work!! Love, Papa Eddie
- Papa Eddie on February 18, 2021
Charlotte I love seeing your art projects. The colors in this one are very brilliant and the shapes are interesting. It reminds me of fabric!
- Mary on February 18, 2021
Charlotte, I love the bright colors on your artwork! Your picture reminds me of a Beautiful stained glass window! I’m glad you enjoy art...because art was, and still is, one of my favorite things to do. I look forward to seeing your next art projects! Grammie Carol
- Carol on February 18, 2021
Dear Charlotte, I like all the designs you created on your colorful pumpkin. Wouldn't it be fun to carve all the shapes into a jack-o-lantern?
- Grandma Mary on February 18, 2021
Dear Charlotte, I really like seeing your art work on the computer. It’s so great to see what you are doing for art and how each new piece looks. I love all the beautiful colors you choose. Keep up the good work. Grandma Carol and I are so proud of you!! Much love, Papa Eddie
- Ed on October 15, 2020
Charlotte, I love your Panda Bear. He looks so relaxed and happy. Keep up the good work in art. Love, Papa Eddie
- Ed on October 15, 2020
Nice job on your patterned pumpkin!! Papa is proud of you.
- Ed on October 15, 2020
Dear Charlotte, Your Helping Hands art piece is beautiful. Keep up the good work!! Papa Eddie
- on October 15, 2020
What a beautiful rainbow fish, Charlotte! I love all the colors!
-- Carol
- on October 15, 2020
Dear Charlotte, I am so happy to see the beautiful fish you painted. I can see you like color! I always love to paint. You are becoming a good artist. Love, Grandma Mary
-- Mary
- on October 15, 2020
Charlotte - I loved your rainbow fish. The colors you chose were super! I love seeing your art projects! Love you, Papa Eddie
-- Papa Eddie
- on October 15, 2020