Sasha128's Comments (7)

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Below are comments about Sasha128's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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I love dolphins so natrually this is one of my favorites of your art work. It even looks like it could be a rainy day and the dolphin is having fun. Enjoying the freedom and vastness of the ocean. Great Job. 2 Thumbs Up. :)
- on August 13, 2007
I love the angles and different shading. It really looks like you are standing at the corner of a very big and long building.the spacing and angling of windows, door, and sign are very in porportion. Also good play on shadows to show the angle of sun. Over all Great Job. I like this one a lot. 2 Thumbs Up!
- on August 13, 2007
A difficult, albeit interesting assignment, I think, to show what sound might "look like." I'm not sure I understand about the positive vs negative space, but I am, after all, uninitiated to art. I look forward to interviewing the artist to more fully understand the work's message.
- on February 1, 2007
She has brought back beautiful memories of those islands in Hawaii that I grew up on. The cool colors and the three dimensional landscape draws you to the top of the painting. I am again standing on a mountain top looking down a cool lush valley to the blue ocean with white waves breaking on the shore.
- on January 5, 2007
This is a beautiful piece of art. The cool colors, the soft lines, and the deminsion is just beautiful. This is art that makes one long to be in such a beautiful place. The Artist did a terrific job. She should be very proud.
- on January 5, 2007
The choice of a cool pallete for a work portraying a sub-tropical clime is simultaneously unexpected and intriguing. What moods, emotions, and perceptions influenced the artist to visualize such coolness in a Hawaiian landscape? Perhaps it is simply that her prolonged residence in the cooler central plateau of the island has influenced her perceptions of her surroundings. Or is there some deeper, underlying motive that laypersons can never hope to comprehend? We will never know for sure what comprises the inner workings of such a deep and complicated soul. Depth (distant slopes and sky) is evident this time; this artist has painted and sketched in only two dimensions previous to this work. Clearly, this work is a watershed in her development.
- on December 13, 2006
It truly is motion frozen in a moment. I especially like the two on the left - much action, one chasing the other that is in turn chasing after the next. Complicated, full of action, and filled the entire space without overloading the senses. I like.
- on December 13, 2006