Ronald1994's Comments (8)

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Below are comments about Ronald1994's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Ronnie, I love that you used a classic story to create a beautiful gift for your mom. I’m sure she will love it as well and use it to charge her phone daily. Keep the imagination juices flowing little big man!
- Ron (Father) on February 26, 2024
Tell em Ronnie. They are taking the L when they face you little man. Love you.
- Ron (Father) on February 16, 2024
This picture really made me catch my breath Ronnie! The way the light is shining down through the sky is AMAZING. It took some serious skill and patience to get it to look so perfect like that. I love the calm, peaceful nature of the bird and I think you captured it perfectly in the way the bird is sitting upright and confidently. This drawing really showcases how far your art skills have come man! Keep working hard! So proud of you!
- Brook (Mother) on February 6, 2024
Ronnie, I love the use of shading and your attention to detail. I can see why the wing was such an enjoyable part of your creative process as there is so much detail to it. Great work buddy! Love, Dad
- Ron (Father) on February 6, 2024
Ronnie, this Ancient Greek structure mixed with some modern Christmas decorations is phenomenal. You can tell that you put a lot of time and effort into this. Great work buddy!
- Ron (Father) on December 25, 2023
Ronnie, Your artistic ability really shines with this recent work. I love your creativity and use of imagination when it comes to life. Keep being the awesome and care free kid that you are.
- Ron (Father) on May 30, 2023
The colors in this picture are wonderful! Seeing this really filled my bucket and made me smile! You obviously worked really hard buddy! Keep it up!!
- Brook (Mother) on January 4, 2020
Ronnie, I absolutely love this reindeer picture. The use of color and imagination to create this beautiful picture shows your skill set regarding art. I love you little man, keep up the great work! Love, Dad
- Ron III on January 8, 2020