When I see this magnet on our refrigerator I think of you! I like the sun, birds, and flowers.
- Connie on August 11, 2021
Caleb, I really like your use of color and how you drew the succulents too!
- Connie on August 11, 2021
Caleb, This is one of my favorite drawings you’ve done! It’s super cool It looks like a guitar or violin but it also looks like it could have a face! Is that what you were trying to do? I’ll ask you about it Saturday when I see you! Love, say say
- Sarah on July 19, 2021
We love your creativity in this painting. The colors are beautiful and we were wondering who that is looking out of the window. Love you Gigi and Papa
- Debbie on July 19, 2021
Caleb this looks so good! Is this a lighthouse or a windmill? I think the person in the window kinda looks like me! Were you trying to draw say say? Love You!!
- Sarah on July 19, 2021
Caleb, You did a wonderful job on this drawing. I love the sunflowers, the birds flying and your self portrait. You have such a creative talent and it shows through you drawings. Love you ?? Gigi
- Gigi on July 19, 2021
Dear Caleb, Gran and Granddaddy really like your colorful, abstract painting. I like the interest in the the different lines and box shapes and how you filled the whole paper too!
- Connie on February 5, 2020
Caleb, Gran is excited that you are learning about art and artists, like Frida Kahlo. Her famous portraits and self portraits are really cool. I like this self portrait picture of you! Love, Gran
- on September 18, 2019
Caleb, you will have to tell Say Say about this picture! Looks like you’re already having so much fun in the first grade, I can’t wait to hear all about it! Love, Aunt Say Say -- Sarah
- on September 4, 2019
This is a great self portrait. It really looks like you. You are so creative. Love Papa and Gigi -- Debbie
- on May 22, 2019
Caleb this is beautiful. We love the bright colors you chose. Love Papa and Gigi -- Debbie
- on May 22, 2019
We really like your owl drawing. You’ve done a great job. Love you. Gigi and Apa -- Debbie
- on May 22, 2019
I like your art work, Caleb! Love, Gran -- Connie
- on May 20, 2019
Caleb, does this piece of art work have a title? Granddaddy really likes the stars. Love, Gran -- Connie
- on May 20, 2019
Caleb, we are enjoying your art work! We especially like the still life. Keep up the creative work. Love, Gran and Granddaddy -- Connie