Nora0712's Comments (18)

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Below are comments about Nora0712's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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You have such an eye for colors! Very striking!
- Grandma on August 12, 2024
Nora, Your stars really light up the night sky---just like you!:)
- Nonna on April 24, 2024
Nora, I love your new picture! You really have talent. Keep on using it!
- Grandma on April 17, 2024
Nora, you make such cool things! I love the colors!! Keep on making beautiful art.
- Grandma on May 24, 2023
WOW, Nora! I absolutely love this picture! You are such a great artist!
- Grandma on April 5, 2023
This picture is so realistic! I love how all the buildings look so different from each other. And your colors are so vibrant. It makes me want to visit your big city! Way to go, Nora!
- Nonna on March 1, 2023
Your use of color, shapes, and symmetry are evident in this piece, Nora! Way to go!
- Nonna on October 19, 2022
Another beautiful piece of art, Nora! I love looking at all of them. You are learning so much.
- Grandma on October 5, 2022
Dear Nora, This drawing sure looks like you! I love that you're holding a butterfly in your hand. That's just so beautiful. And your trees look like the trees around your neighborhood! Excellent work, Nora!
- Nonna on August 17, 2022
Nora, This piece of artwork is beautiful! I didn't know what zapotec meant so I looked it up. I never knew that the Zapotecs were a group of people who lived a long time ago that made beautiful art. I think the Zapotecs would be so proud of you!
- Nonna on May 25, 2022
Nora, I don't know how I missed this one! Your caterpillar looks so real! I love how his antennae are crossed like that. I think it's thinking about how nice it looks!
- Nonna on April 20, 2022
This is wonderful!!! What a great artist you are! Aunt Linda
- Linda on April 5, 2022
Wow, Nora! I love how bright and colorful your picture is!
- Nonna and Da on April 5, 2022
It's really pretty! You are a great artist!
- Grandma on March 30, 2022
That is beautiful, Nora!!
- Nonna on March 30, 2022
Good job, Nora!
-- Nonna
- on November 28, 2018
This is cool!
-- dad
- on November 14, 2018
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