Nicholas32024's Comments (8)

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Below are comments about Nicholas32024's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Nicky this is a sunset I could look at everyday, simply amazing!
- Aunt Hiree on January 29, 2020
Nicky, I love this dessert landscape! The green cactus look amazing.
- Aunt Hiree on January 29, 2020
When I see this painting of the Cactus, it reminds me of you helping your Dad in the Garden. You both have a love for it.
-- Love Mom
- on June 7, 2019
Nicholas you are doing so good in art class. I love all of your pieces. I love this one. It makes me smile.
-- Love Mom
- on June 6, 2019
Great use of shapes and color, love it!
-- Aunt Hiree
- on June 6, 2019
This reminds me of Mickey Mouse's
-- Aunt Hiree
- on June 6, 2019
I love your artwork Nicholas! I love the colors your chose.
-- Aunt Hiree
- on June 6, 2019
Beautiful. Great Job Nicky!!
-- Uncle Scotty
- on June 6, 2019