Eleanor2647's Comments (33)

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Below are comments about Eleanor2647's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Eleanor, I love your neon playground. The colors are so much fun. Love Grammie Cindy
- Cindy on February 8, 2023
Elinor, this is a neat drawing. One of your best! I love it. LOL
- Grampa on March 26, 2020
Elinor, this is a neat drawing. One of your best! I love it. LOL
- Grampa on March 26, 2020
Elinor, this is a neat drawing. One of your best! I love it. LOL
- Grampa on March 26, 2020
Hi Ella, Another beautiful piece of art. Very creative. I love it. Grampa
- Grampa on January 12, 2020
Great painting Ella. I love it. Keep it up. LOL Grampa
- Grampa on January 12, 2020
Eleanor, what beautiful fall colors and the reflection in the water is perfect. Love you, Grammy, Cindy
- Cindy on November 13, 2019
Ella, this is another interesting piece of art you created. I see the ocean, waves, fish... Nice work
- Grampa on November 13, 2019
Hi Eleanor, I recognize our Cape house coy pond. You did a great job capturing the fish. I am sure they are proud to be in your art. Love Grammy Cindy
- Cindy on November 13, 2019
Hi Eleanor, I love your abstract picture. You did a great job putting the colors and shapes together in an exciting way.
- Cindy on October 9, 2019
Another great painting! I love it. Keep it up and have fun painting.
- Grampa on October 9, 2019
WOW, WOW, WOW! Eleanor this has got to be your BEST ever. Very creative.Terrific. Well done. I love it.
-- Granpa
- on September 11, 2019
Hi Eleanor, This is my very favorite of all your pictures. You are an excellent artist. Love, Grammy Cindy
-- Cindy
- on September 11, 2019
Ella, this is beautiful. Such attention to design and colors. I love it. One of your BEST!
-- Grampa
- on September 11, 2019
Hi Eleanor, You are an excellent portrait drawer. This looks like you, especially the beautiful smile. Love, Grammy Cindy
-- Cindy
- on May 29, 2019
Very good good self drawing. Love it! Excellent. Keep up the good work Ella.. LOL Grampa
-- Bob
- on May 29, 2019
Hi Ella, I love your rainbow, the colors are such fun. Love Grammy Cindy
-- Cindy
- on May 29, 2019
WOW. Holly Molly. What is this? A blue bug with big yellow/greenish antennae(s)? Nice. Nice job. Looks real. I love it.
-- Grampa
- on April 3, 2019
Your bug is very classy. I love the colors and he looks like he glows int he dark, very cool. Love, Grammy Cindy
-- Cindy
- on April 3, 2019
Very nice. Love the shapes and colors. Enjoy the NCAA Madness games.
-- Grampa
- on April 3, 2019
Very very nice Ella. I love the colors and shapes. Great job!
-- Grampa
- on February 6, 2019
WOW!?? Eleanor, what a GREAT peice of art. You are getting very very good atbart. Leep it up LOL
-- Gramp
- on January 30, 2019
Hi Eleanor What a beautiful, colorful city. Nice work!!
-- Cindy
- on January 30, 2019
Eleanor, what beautiful peice of art. You getting quite good good..really good! ...and I am sooooo happy you share you art with me. LOL
-- Grampa
- on January 30, 2019
Hi Eleanor, These snow flakes look just like we saw the ones falling at your house on Christmas. Miss you, Grammy Cindy
-- Cindy
- on January 6, 2019
Oh wow Elinor this art is spectacular. I love the image and the beautiful colors. Great job! Love
-- Grampa
- on January 6, 2019
Eleanor What a special picture. It looks like it is ready to be flown. Love, Grammy Cindy
-- Cindy
- on January 6, 2019
Elinor, I just love this art. I see a bird or a kit. I got it ...it a bird kit! Great job. I will put it on Grampa’s Wall of Fame. LOL
-- Grampa
- on December 19, 2018
Hi Eleanor, I love your self portrait. I could tell it was you right away. I love the shining sun too! Love, Grammy Cindy
-- Cindy
- on December 12, 2018
I really loooove this one. Very clever art work. Great job. LOL
-- Grampa
- on December 12, 2018
Dear Ella, - what a beautiful piece of art. How clever and artist you are. I just love it! Send me more. Love
-- Grampa
- on November 14, 2018
Hi Eleanor, I love your line drawing. The colors are beautiful. Love, Grammie Cindy
-- Cindy
- on November 14, 2018
Eleanor, I loved watching you create this picture using the different kinds of lines you learned about during art class. The beautiful colors you chose make this picture bright and cheerful!
-- Maureen
- on November 7, 2018