Wow Leo, this piece of art makes my heart glow. I love how the warm colors like red orange yellow contrast and pop with the blue background. Where the Wild Things Are is STILL one of my favorite books. "Oh no please don't go, I'll eat you up I love you so!" -- Auntie Em
- on February 13, 2019
Sweet artwork, little dude! Is it a gingerbread man chasing a cat? I can see how mindful you were cutting and pasting. -- Auntie Em
- on February 13, 2019
Leo, You put a lot of MOTION in this piece of art. The red line depicts action. And red is the most powerful of colors. BTW: Yellow is best at attracting the human eye. That's why they use it in traffic signs. And may be why nature made the tiger and the bees yellow! Love, Papa Joe -- PapaJoe
- on February 7, 2019
Nice tracing bud! -- Dad
- on January 30, 2019
I love this buddy! The shapes you used are really cool and you clearly thought about those colors. Love you, Dad -- Douglas