Aaliyah6148's Comments (28)

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Below are comments about Aaliyah6148's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Oh, wow! I love this lava lamp! It's amazing, girl!
- Tiffany (Mother) on May 22, 2024
I love the neon paint splatters! Your picture creates an urge to play volleyball ??
- Sarah on May 22, 2024
Beautiful, just beautiful, my creative little artist!! Keep up the great creativeness beautiful!!
- Abriyannaihg on May 22, 2024
Beautiful, just beautiful, my creative little artist!! Keep up the great creativeness beautiful!!
- Abriyannaihg on May 22, 2024
I love how the the flag is waving. Amazing work.
- Tiffany (Mother) on December 20, 2023
Wow. I love this one. Great job!
- Tiffany (Mother) on December 20, 2023
WOW Girl!! You are just getting better and better, just when I think you can't possibly get any better than how great your art already is, BOOM, you come out with another amazing piece of art work. GREAT JOB SWEETIE!!
- Tiffany (Mother) on December 20, 2023
Such a beautiful nighttime pumpkin patch portrait.
- Sarah on December 20, 2023
Wow the way you used different shades of blue for the water is a wonderful detail to your picture. Beautiful!
- Sarah on December 20, 2023
- Amber on May 11, 2020
A's, a's, a's everywhere. A's are the bestest!!! Love it!
- Amber on May 11, 2020
Yummy yum yum!! I want some!
- Amber on May 11, 2020
I love the colors you used to show such a beautiful sunset. Great work!
- Sarah on May 11, 2020
Very nice colors. Great job Aaliyah!
- Tiffany (Mother) on September 20, 2019
Wow Aaliyah those are BEA-U-T-I-F-U-L colors! I am impressed. Great job hunny.
- on September 20, 2019
Beautiful!!!! ??????
-- Amber
- on May 8, 2019
Cool Cat Dog. ????
-- Mommy
- on April 29, 2019
Awwww I love how cool the cool cat looks & that's definitely is a hot dog! Bravo baby you nailed it!
-- Christina
- on April 29, 2019
You just keep amazing me with this beautiful artwork!! I love you so much my little twin ??????????????
-- Christina
- on April 29, 2019
Amazing. You are such a great Artist Aaliyah!
-- Tiffany
- on April 24, 2019
Omgsh I have never seen anything so beautiful in my life!! You are so amazing baby! I love you so much
-- TiTi
- on March 3, 2019
That is adorable. I love your beautiful art Aaliyah. You are more and more amazing every new piece you do.
-- Mommy
- on February 19, 2019
This is beautiful Aaliyah. Mommy is so proud of you. You are an amazing artist. Great job baby.
-- Mommy
- on February 19, 2019
Great king Rat Aaliyah.
- on January 7, 2019
Awww what an adorable mouse! ?? Great job liyahs ????
-- Amber
- on January 2, 2019
Mmmmmm that is some delisious looking alphabet soup. I am hungry now.
-- Tiffany
- on November 19, 2018
Oh. My. Goodness!!! I have never seen anything more beautiful in my life. Aaliyah!!! The colors are absolute perfection!! The eye placement and ears are just too perfect! & those little noses ...... can you say A-Dor-ABleeee??????
-- Titi
- on November 14, 2018
Beautiful little artist.
-- Tiffany
- on November 13, 2018