Your bright and colorful suns brightened my day! Thanks!!
- on May 5, 2008
Cool Elephant!!
- on December 6, 2007
Very nice. Keep up the good work.
- on October 24, 2007
Mulie,This is really great. He looks so happy. He makes me smile. Thankyou. Love, Uncle Dick
- on May 8, 2007
A very nice frog. I like all of your work, keep it up. I am a friend of Bud Hefren.
- on May 6, 2007
I am so impressed with this fantastic display of creativity. I will tell all of my Caribbean Pirates to stop their plundering for a day and join me as we continue our venture through Mulugeta2's world of art. We might find some hidden treasure that we could use to finance our new sailing frigate. ...good job! Captain Blood-Bud