Evan22190's Comments (27)

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Below are comments about Evan22190's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Evan, this is really good work. I remember you telling me about this when you were making it for the art show.
- Matthew (Father) on April 17, 2024
Very creative use of color! I hope that you enjoyed making it!
- Matthew (Father) on February 27, 2024
Very good use of color and much neater work!
- Matthew (Father) on January 4, 2024
I remember this one!
- Dad on November 2, 2023
Evan, I really like the detail on this work. It makes me smile to look at!
- Dad on November 2, 2023
This is really neat work. I am very proud of how much effort you made here.
- Dad on September 28, 2023
I really like this hippo Evan! It looks like one of the ones that I see in cartoons.
- Dad on May 31, 2023
I like the shading techniques that you used to make the horse. Hopefully you are listening better and learning more. I really like the effort!
- Dad on April 12, 2023
I like the use of color throughout the work. Love, Dad
- Matthew (Father) on March 8, 2023
Did you get to pick the objects to make a color wheel out of?
- Matthew (Father) on March 8, 2023
Evan, this is some of the neatest and most appealing work you have done yet. Hopefully you are staying focused in class and it sure looks like you are. I'm very proud.
- Dad on February 8, 2023
This Jellyfish is really good. It looks like you are doing a better job listening and trying the techniques
- Dad on December 28, 2022
Very colorful work Evan
- Matthew (Father) on November 30, 2022
So that is what you needed the pipe cleaners for??
- Matthew (Father) on November 30, 2022
I like the detail you put on the boots. Love, Dad
- Matthew (Father) on November 30, 2022
Very colorful and creative Evan!
- Matthew (Father) on November 30, 2022
Great job Evan! I like the use of color on the project.
- Matthew (Father) on March 12, 2022
Evan, I like the fact that you were able to use your Chromebook to create art. I hope that you had fun doing it!
- Dad on February 5, 2022
I really like the use of colors in the church painting. You are doing better in art class!
- Dad on December 18, 2021
I like your cactus. I think this was the piece that you were trying to tell me about the other day. It's really colorful and really nice. I like it a lot.
- Matthew (Father) on November 6, 2021
Evan, I really like the owl that you drew! I didn't know that you were working with chalk. I hope that you had fun drawing it.
- Dad on November 6, 2021
I think the turtles are funny, especially how one is happy and the other is sad. I really like how well you worked on this
- Matthew (Father) on October 9, 2021
Evan, I really like the use of color on this painting. The detail makes it look like he is surfing t sunset.
- Dad on September 18, 2021
I really like your mummy design
- Matthew (Father) on May 6, 2021
That is an excellent pelican Evan! I like his orange beak
- Dad on March 3, 2021
I like the clouds on your landscape! Very nice
- Dad on February 10, 2021
Great job Evan! I like how you made it look like sunset with the colors you chose.
- Matthew (Father) on January 20, 2021