Darling Gabrielle, I like your art work, that lovely angel floating amongst the snow flakes... So pretty. Well done! LOVE you so much.
- Yvette on February 19, 2020
This is too cool. Great work!! Xoxoxo Grandma
- Cheryl on December 26, 2019
Wow, Gabs! This is so cute! Love the animal print. So chic! Love you bunches ??????
- Kristy on December 26, 2019
Love this work as well darling Gabrielle. All your pretty colored pencils. Love you. Grand-maman Yvette
- Yvette on December 26, 2019
Oh Gaby, this artwork is so original!! I love the eyes, red mouth, and the strawberry on its head. This chocolate face cupcake looks delicious... Good work Gabrielle. Proud of you! LOVE you so much! Grand-maman
- Yvette on December 26, 2019
WOW!! Gabrielle, my darling fairy, Grand-papa Joseph and I lOVE your drawing; it is so colorful with lots of sunshine... Well done! We LOVE you so much! Grand-maman.
- Yvette on December 26, 2019
Love your drawing!! Love you, Grandma
- Cheryl on December 4, 2019
Great job, Gabrielle. Love your creativity!! love, grandma -- Cheryl
- on May 24, 2019
Whoa, Gabs! So cool! I love your name written along the side. So creative! -- Kristy
- on April 29, 2019
Beautiful artwork! So happy you share you wonderful pictures! Love you, Grandma -- Cheryl
- on April 24, 2019
Gabs! I love this. It's so colorful! Love ya! Kristy -- Kristy
- on March 17, 2019
Love to see your artwork, Gabrielle ???? Kisses, Grandma -- Cheryl