What a beautiful peacock, it looks like the one at the Como Zoo. I especially like the big tail feathers, you did a very good job. Keep on generating great art you have a talent for capturing real life. I love it but not as much as I love you. Grandpa Doug -- Doug
- on June 2, 2019
Very good Celina, I really like this picture. It reminds me "this little piggy went to Target, this little piggy went to Home Depot........". Your art work has improved way past my abilities You are my hero! Keep up the good work this summer, maybe you can show me how to do great art like you. Love Grandpa Doug -- Doug
- on June 2, 2019
You are so artistic! Great art work sweetie! -- Charlie - Dad
- on May 22, 2019
Love the colors! Great job! You are my little artist! Love ~Mom -- Courtney
- on May 17, 2019
Celina, This is an outstanding picture of a peacock! It is so modern and abstract....I just love it! You are a great little artist so keep up the good work! We are proud of you every day! Love grandma Streit -- Cheryl
- on May 17, 2019
Oh boy, I love, love, love this new artwork! It looks like a fun quilt. You continue to be such a good artist and we are so proud of you. Keep it up! Love grandma Cheryl. -- Cheryl
- on April 18, 2019
Celina I love your self portrait, you are getting so good at drawing and capturing the real likeness. All you needed on this picture was your beautiful eyelashes and your pretty bow in your hair. Keep the great artwork coming, I love your work (it's so much better than my stick people :-). -- Grandpa Doug
- on March 13, 2019
Wow Celina, This is a very cute picture of your mom! It looks exactly like her so great work!! Keep it up and love you lots. Grandma -- Grandma Cheryl
- on March 2, 2019
I love your art work, you make me smile. I look at this picture and think of the song "When you are happy and you know it CLAP YOUR HANDS". Keep up the good work! Doug -- Grandpa Doug
- on February 14, 2019
Oh my, how absolutely pretty you made this! I love the colors and the hands look like they are saying “hi!” Keep up the great work! -- Cheryl
- on February 7, 2019
I like your Owl, I think it looks like the wise old owl in the story we tell at bedtime. It lives in the big oak tree and is our friend. Thank you for such a good picture it makes me smile and thank you for YOU - you make smile even more. Keep the great art coming, I love it ????. -- Grandpa DOUG
- on December 26, 2018
Wowie Celina....this is very interesting and creative. It reminds me of the solar system! Keep up the good work! I love it! Grandma -- Cheryl
- on December 12, 2018
Wow very interesting and thought provoking, like traveling in space! Makes me think "Twinkel twinkle little star how I wonder what you are". Keep up the good work, you have much more creative talent than grandpa??. -- Grandpa Doug
- on December 12, 2018
Experts say that no two snowflakes are the same and you proved that statement. I've never seen a snowflake like yours, it is very cool! I bet if we had a million of those flakes we could build a big snowman. Love your art work GrandPa -- Grandpa Doug
- on December 5, 2018
I love your owl! You did a great job cutting out the pieces and putting it together. ~ Love, Mom -- Courtney
- on November 21, 2018
WOW or maybe I should say WHO, WHO like the wise old Owl said in the book we read when you were little. Celina you made a perfect owl, great job, keep up the good work. I love your art work! -- Grandpa-Doug
- on November 14, 2018
Love your new art work! Keep it up! Love you lots!! -- Grandma Cheryl
- on November 8, 2018
Good job Celina this is great art work I Love it! You used the whole page and it is very interesting and colorful.Keep up the good work you are already more talented than grandpa. -- Doug