Olivia39107's Comments (11)

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Below are comments about Olivia39107's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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My sweet Olivia What a fabulous rendering of placement & details of facial features. Few people can draw ears or eyes correctly, not to mention, arrange them on a face as well as you have succeeded in doing. An extraordinary self-portrait composition at 9 years of age! I am baffled! Wow I want to frame this one! ????????
- Grammie Mary on October 12, 2021
My dear Olivia you have succeeded in directing emphasis on a scrumptious dessert by centering cut-outs of the cone & ice cream scoops, with several lines circling the sweet treat. It's obvious you love ice cream & I can see your tongue stretching to lick an unforgettable taste. Fabulous work my arty granddaughter! Love you whole scoops XXXOOO
- Grammie Mary on June 23, 2021
Love the colors you used for the prints Olivia! This looks like a tiger to me...very cool creature<3
- Mary (Mother) on October 20, 2020
This is my favorite of the 2 prints. I love the colors. Way to go sweet Olivia!
- Grammie Mary on October 20, 2020
Is this a print of Outlaw? He has the tail of a lion? Either way, you did an excellent job, especially if it is an intaglio print.
- Grammie Mary on October 20, 2020
Wow this looks like a photograph of you at my house jumping off the furniture lol. Fantastic job sweetie!
- Grammie Mary on October 20, 2020
Super-hero Olivia to the rescue! Wow this looks like you too! fantastic job sweetie! Hope you were able to use your super power skills so that your soccer team won today like you did last weekend. Can't wait to see you next weekend & can't wait for "Girls Night!" Love you whole bunches XxxxxOooOo P.S. Does the A on your shirt stand for your middle name Alma?
- Mary on October 9, 2019
Super Livy to the rescue! Are you leaping over that building? Nice job Livy... I love it! Mimi
- Mimi on October 9, 2019
I love the works of Joan Miró i Ferrà! I think you are on the right track for following his style of surreal playfulness. In this composition, are you talking to your favorite chicken? Love you bunches my dear cutie pie XxxOoo
-- Grammie Mary
- on November 21, 2018
Oh my what a fine work of art! This Kitty looks happy about something. Is she holding a letter from someone? What a talented artist you are! I am very proud of you sweetie pie! Can't wait to see more masterpieces xxXxoooO Love you lots
-- Grammie Mary
- on November 21, 2018
Livy! This is fabulous. I love you a bushel and a peck and a hug around the neck!
-- Mimi
- on November 8, 2018