Marin653's Comments (52)

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Below are comments about Marin653's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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A beautiful blossom ?? tree! Nice job Marin!
- Grandma Sandy on April 17, 2024
How cute! Love it! Ollie and Pepper! Nice job Marin!!
- Grandma Sandy on April 17, 2024
Great stylistic branches and textures!! Way to go Marin!!! ??
- Grandma Ann on April 17, 2024
This is one made me smile BIG! Great color choices for sunlight and night fall even on the pup. Well done!
- Grandma Ann on April 17, 2024
Love the picture! Nice job on division of colors and day/night scene.
- Grandma Sandy on April 17, 2024
What a great combination of textures! I really like the view from above, as if one of your birds was looking down. Well done Marin!
- Grandma Ann on November 8, 2023
Your penguins eyes clearly let us know to look for who’s following them! Well done! Just delightful!??
- Grandma Ann on November 8, 2023
This is cool. You will have to tell me how you made it.
- Grandpa Jay on November 8, 2023
What a lovely picture of Ollie!! Nice job! He looks very happy!
- Grandma Sandy on November 8, 2023
What fun to see your artwork with Ollie showing what he loves and how you spend time together. Well done!!
- Grandma Ann on November 8, 2023
Nice colored leaves! Love, Grandma Sandy
- Sandy on November 8, 2023
Very colorful leaves. Reminds me of the ones we saw on our walk.
- Grandpa Jay on November 8, 2023
Look at the dog parade! Each one with its own personality, fitting it’s size and fur. Really fun Marin! ??
- Grandma Ann on November 8, 2023
It’s falling leaves time! Wait…there’s a branch, a high flying hot air balloon, colorfully decorated with leaves. And 2 puppies to the rescue! Nature and adventure in one image…great imagination Marin!
- Grandma Ann on November 8, 2023
Great work, Marin! Love, Dad
- Jon (Father) on October 18, 2022
Very nice work, Marin!
- Love, Dad on November 8, 2023
Wow!! A mirror image in spring colors. Your evenly spaced border pattern reminded me of flowers around a gardens edge with very nice details in the center.
- Grandma Ann on July 27, 2022
What beautiful sunflowers!! I really like the purple background, the sunflowers just pop in front of it! And YOUR puppy is there too… what a fun addition!!
- Grandma Ann on May 4, 2022
What a great combination of colors and how you combined straight lines with the round shape. Nicely done!!
- Grandma Ann on May 4, 2022
Great 3-D city scene! From your building sizes & colors…to a road with a car passing between them…to a dog & dog house by lake. I really like all the colors & details!
- Grandma Ann on March 3, 2022
Nice sculpture Marin! Love the dog “Ollie” in it as well.
- Sandy on March 3, 2022
Love the waves and how the fish are jumping out over the waves! Beautiful sky as well!! Love the picture!
- Grandma Sandy on March 3, 2022
Great use of colors! Very pretty.
- Grandma Sandy on March 3, 2022
Loving the sky colors of yellow, orange and pink! So many shades of blue in the waves. You are paying attention to what you see in nature. Then, you thought of all the ways the puppies can play in the water! Very creative Marin!! ????
- Grandma Ann on March 3, 2022
Oh what a cheerful painting! Yellow is such a happy color to me. I really liked how you outlined each item and carefully painted the colors. You are a focused artist Marin that pays close attention to the details!! ???????
- Grandma Ann on January 5, 2022
What creative use of lines! Curvy, zig zag, arch’s and parallel to each other. Then you made shapes with your lines! Very fun Marin! ??
- Grandma Ann on January 5, 2022
What creative use of lines! Curvy, zig zag, arch’s and parallel to each other. Then you made shapes with your lines! Very fun Marin! ??
- Grandma Ann on January 5, 2022
Hi Marin, What beautiful fall colors! Your brush stokes add texture to the hills, sun and trees. Well done!! ??
- Grandma Ann on October 27, 2021
Very nice.
- Grandpa Jay on October 27, 2021
I really like the color blocks and how you created white space to separate them. You even layered color over color...very pretty!
- Grandma Ann on June 17, 2020
In this one the colors go right yo the edge on 2 sides and then on the opposite 2 sides you left white. What a nice balance of color and white, solid space and open space. Nicely done!
- Grandma Ann on June 17, 2020
This one makes me smile!
- Grandma Ann on June 17, 2020
What a colorful bowl. I see a kitty’s face... winking at me!
- Grandma Ann on June 17, 2020
Fun to see the color wheel with shapes and colors! You are so good at creating different patterns and combinations of colors!
- Grandma Ann on June 17, 2020
You continue to add such wonderful details to your art projects. This house has a pink roof with scalloped shingles. The window panes have red dividers. You even added a house number above the door. And most fun detail of all... a kitty peaking out the window!
- Grandma Ann on June 17, 2020
Look at how you used so many shapes and textures in your building!! I can tell it is a strong building the 3 little pigs could hide from the wolf in!!
- Grandma Ann on March 4, 2020
What an extraordinary self portrait Marin! Looks just like you. Nice job! Love, Grandma Sandy
- Sandy on March 4, 2020
Marin... I really like the colors you chose and your placement of your hand and arm intersecting with the colors. I wondered...did you paint first and trace your hand and arm or did you trace first and then paint? However you did it ... it’s clear you thought about where you wanted each color and where your hand/ arm would go. Well done!!
- Grandma Ann on March 4, 2020
Marin... I really like the colors you chose and your placement of your hand and arm intersecting with the colors. I wondered...did you paint first and trace your hand and arm or did you trace first and then paint? However you did it ... it’s clear you thought about where you wanted each color and where your hand/ arm would go. Well done!!
- Grandma Ann on March 4, 2020
Be still my heart! Job well done! Love Grandma Sandy
- Grandma Sandy on March 4, 2020
A masterpiece! Great use of colors. Love it! Love, Grandma Sandy
- Grandma Sandy on March 4, 2020
Good job Marin! Love, Dad
- Dad on March 4, 2020
What a wonderfully colorful and creative use of paper! I want to play at this playground!!
- Grandma Ann on March 4, 2020
Nice job Marin! So creative and colorful. Keep up the good work. Love, Grandma Sandy
- Grandma Sandy on March 4, 2020
Such a beautiful heart! Love, Grandma Sandy
-- Sandy
- on March 4, 2020
Grandma Sandy loves your portrait! Love the pink hair!
-- Sandy
- on March 4, 2020
Oh how very fun! You included all your rainbow colors! So of course it is you!!
-- Grandma Ann
- on March 4, 2020
This looks great. I love the use of color.
-- Grandpa
- on March 4, 2020
Marin, I like the blending of warm colors on the left side and how you left some white space with a very well placed splash of yellow. Whenever I see you make art, I see you think about what you will do next and do what you want to add next very carefully. Nicely done! L
-- Grandma Ann
- on March 4, 2020
A very nice picture Marin. Well done.
-- Grandma Sandy
- on March 4, 2020
Such a beautiful cat you have drawn. It has so many great shapes.
-- Grandma Sandy
- on March 4, 2020
Marin- I really like the textures on this piece. The way you changed directions coloring with the rainbow colors over the textures was very creative!
-- Grabdma Ann
- on March 4, 2020