Deion306's Comments (8)

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Below are comments about Deion306's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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DJ your art work is nice & very creative. Nana is so proud of you!
- Dorissa on February 12, 2020
Deion, your art work is abosulutey AMAZING. You are so creative!! Nana loves it keep up the great work!! ????
- Dorissa on November 7, 2019
Deion, your art work is abosulutey AMAZING. You are so creative!! Nana loves it keep up the great work!! ????
- Dorissa on November 7, 2019
Very creative!
- Mom on November 6, 2019
Really cool Deion!
- Mom on November 6, 2019
Keep up the great work Deion!
- Mom on November 6, 2019
Love the colors and creativity! Good job Deion!! ??
-- Tamara
- on December 3, 2018
Beautiful job DJ!
-- Tamara
- on December 2, 2018