Kassius13's Comments (6)

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Below are comments about Kassius13's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Ok, this one looks like a dinosaur waiting to eat that worm in front of him. I really like the face on this dinosaur! You are so creative Kash. Love grandma.
-- Lynn
- on April 3, 2019
This one looks like people waving to me. Good job Kash!
-- Lynn
- on April 3, 2019
This looks like pretty jewelry! Nicely done buddy!!
-- Lynn
- on April 3, 2019
This one looks like you have a shoe print to the left and and the squiggly line looks like a spaghetti noodle and the pink make the picture really stand out. Looks like you have a pink heart on top of the shoe print. I like it, good job Kash!
-- Lynn
- on April 3, 2019
Nice job buddy you got it published in the school newsletter. Your hard work paid off! Love you bunches!
-- Lynn
- on April 3, 2019
Hi Kash, I just saw all of your art projects from school and it's awesome. This last project you did is so creative, you must have gotten Grandma Mary's artistic talent! Grandma Mary used to sketch with a paper and pencil and she was also good at arranging flowers. I am so proud of you buddy grandma Lynn loves you so much!
-- Lynn
- on April 3, 2019