Josephine2589's Comments (6)

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Below are comments about Josephine2589's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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What a beautiful picture. I'm sure it's a self portrait of you and I think it's perfect....Love, Grandma
- Janice on June 2, 2021
What a beautiful sunshine day! Love you, Grandma
- Janice/Grandma on June 2, 2021
What a beautiful picture! Love Grandma
- Grandma on June 2, 2021
Love your artwork Josie..Love Grandma
-- Janice
- on June 2, 2021
Great job on your beautiful heart. Love grandma.
-- Janice
- on June 2, 2021
Great job Josie on your adorable clay work. Love you, Grandma
-- Janice
- on June 2, 2021