Hi Liam! Grandma Jean loves the detail which you put into your blossom! You are a budding artist! -- Jean
- on March 27, 2019
Hi Liam! I always love to see what you are creating. This one looks southwestern to me! Thank you for sharing it! -- Jean
- on December 5, 2018
Hello Liam! I love the family picture! I also like your 2 color choices! Wonderful drawing! -- Jean
- on December 5, 2018
Hello Liam! I love your flowers! Your drawing tells me that you give close attention to the flowers and plants in our natural world! Congratulations on your beautiful drawing! -- Jean
- on December 5, 2018
Hi Liam! This bug is very creative! He looks AMAZING! If bugs can be beautiful....Yours is! I LOVE YOUR TALENT! Have FUN with your creativity....cannot wait to see more of what you do! You are really great! I am PROUD of YOU! -- Jean
- on October 31, 2018
Hi, Liam! I am very impressed with the Egyptian necklace you made! I love your color and shape choices. You are very talented! I cannot wait to see more of your artwork! -- Jean