It was wonderful getting to team teach with you. What an awesome experience!
- Heather (teacher at Mannington Township School) on February 5, 2025
It's time!
- Heather (teacher at Mannington Township School) on November 15, 2024
Thank you for helping with our plant sale. Your glow in the dark flower pots were a great hit!
- Heather (teacher at Mannington Township School) on November 15, 2024
Beautiful use of color on your trading card.
- Heather (teacher at Mannington Township School) on November 15, 2024
Your details are amazing. Great work!
- Heather (teacher at Mannington Township School) on November 15, 2024
So amazing how each heart tie dye is unique and amazing! So proud of all you do! Love, Mom
- Heather (teacher at Mannington Township School) on July 13, 2024
One of my favorite parts of summer, seeing your tie dye creations. I can't wait to see what your students create this year. I can't believe I am saying your students. Where have the years gone? Love, Mom
- Heather (teacher at Mannington Township School) on July 13, 2024
I love your use of varied color lines with the sun rays in black!! I was looking for mire than one !! Awesome greeting card!! Thanks for sharing!!
- Patty on June 30, 2024
As always, you paint it and it sells before I can get it to the fundraiser. Thank you!!!!
- Heather (teacher at Mannington Township School) on May 30, 2024
Keep on painting! I love your creativity and originality. You always come up with something amazing! I love that the moon and stars glow. Love, Mom
- Heather (teacher at Mannington Township School) on May 30, 2024
Your creativity always impresses and inspires me. Keep on creating!
- Mrs. Sf (Mother) on December 14, 2023
I think you should have this piece framed and put on display. There is something about it that I just love!
- Heather (teacher at Mannington Township School) on November 29, 2023
You didn't add this year's clipboard art to Artsonia.
- Heather (teacher at Mannington Township School) on November 29, 2023
Beautiful job, Ellie! I love how it shines and the colors you chose compliment this event. I just know the children loved wearing it. Keep up the awesome job you do !!
- Mrs. Allen on September 6, 2023
Hi E!! What delicious pictures!!! I had to look twice to be sure they were cookies!! The work you put into them is impressive - wow !!! This would make great Christmas card designs for next year !!!! Thank you for sharing!! And happy 2023!!!!
- Mrs. Allen on January 8, 2023
Hi E, Your gingerbread cookies are so pretty. I love how you have decorated them. They look so festive. They will taste even better.
- Mrs. Kellum on January 1, 2023
If you designed a clipboard for me, what would it look like?
- Heather (teacher at Mannington Township School) on November 9, 2022
Great job!! The colors draw my eyes to the lettering —peaking my interest to its message!! The circular design in the middle makes it seem to move with you when you wear it !! Are you doing the Fair tee shirt also??? Enjoy the rest of your summer!!
- Mrs. Allen on October 18, 2022
So glad to see you creating art at Mannington again! Great work!
- Heather (teacher at Mannington Township School) on May 26, 2022
Hi Ellie !! My grandchildren are going to love these when I show them. Will’s three are definitely into the characters and always share something about them when we talk on phone. I like how you made them look freshly painted ( drips) and your choice of background is an added dimension in making them Look so real.. Thanks for sharing !!!
- Mrs Allen on May 19, 2022
Hi El, I love your Marvel graffiti symbols. I love that your symbols are taken from the position of strength and power. You are strong!! Keep drawing, keep sharing your art. Thank you for sharing with me!!
- Mrs. Kellum on May 3, 2022
Hi Ellie, It is so nice to see new art work from you.I know you are very busy with school. I hope you use "Snow much fun" into note cards and drop me a note some day. I love the simplicity of this picture, but the words give it so much more meaning. Sitting on top of a hill waiting to slide down in the snow "Is A Lot of Fun". Thank you for sharing
- Mrs. Kellum on December 17, 2021
Hi, I love all the beautiful art that you do. I especially love your attention to detail. Your "Window Mushroom " shows a lot of that attention to detail. There is a touch of whimsy in the mushroom instead of a tree. Thank you for this fun picture. Great job!
- Mrs. Kellum on September 1, 2021
Your window art looks great! Keep creating! ~ Mom
- Heather (teacher at Mannington Township School) on September 1, 2021
Hi! What an awesome job on your shirt! It's amazing how your circles and the heart are so perfectly aligned. Good for you for continuing your art masterpieces while at home. Thanks for sharing--I always enjoy viewing your projects! You've come a long way since Mannington!!!!
- Mrs. Allen on August 20, 2021
When I saw this tie dyed shirt it made my day. The colors are so vibrant one cannot help but to smile. The design is beautiful. The colors compliment each other. Your shirt is a big hit with me!! It's beautiful!! Great job.!!
- Mrs. Kellum on October 25, 2021
Like your tie dyed shirt!
- Grammy on August 11, 2021
Hi Ellie, I hope you name this one "Strawberry Patch". It is reminds me of strawberries and whipped cream. Very whimsical.
- Mrs. Kellum on May 18, 2021
Ellie, your animal is aptly named! I like all of the "charms" you used to brighten up your picture. I think you should submit it to the cereal company to add more charms in the cereal! It would make a great eating experience! Keep creating!
- Mrs. Allen on May 16, 2021
Your calves are adorable. Keep on creating.
- Heather (teacher at Mannington Township School) on April 21, 2021
Hi! You are definitely thinking of the County Fair this year--hopefully everything can return as normal by then. I know you've given this one a name, too! Perfect for a tee shirt or a poster for one of the activities the fair offers! It's nice you have the time to be so creative. Hope classes are going well!
- Mrs. Allen on March 10, 2021
It's soooo cute as a face mask.
- Mom on March 2, 2021
Absolutely adorable!
- Mom on March 2, 2021
Aww!! How cute!! This would look really cute on your dorm room windowsill !! Enjoy your time at home as you prepare for your big step for college. Very proud of you!! Keep creating as you have time!!!
- Mrs. Allen on September 27, 2020
Painted rocks are so much fun! Your sweet elephant reminds me of Dumbo! The shape of the rock lends itself to the shape of a sleeping elephant. Love the pink and white circus atmosphere! Fantastic as always!
- Mrs. Kellum on September 27, 2020
This is perfect for the plant lovers at the nurseries around Salem county! You captured the details so well!!! Very nice! I would like to see this in a real mask! Love it!
- Mrs. Allen on May 23, 2020
I just love this piece! Outdoor scenery is my favorite and I would never have thought to use the materials you chose to create this! The trees are great---they seem to be standing straight and firm against the blowing wind (using my imagination)! Awesome job!
- Mrs. Allen on May 23, 2020
Hi, Fantastic Designer Face Mask. The details are outstanding especially the brightly colored pots. Just think, if this was real fabric you could actually make some masks and make a few dollars. Your design is beautiful!
- Mrs. Kellum on May 18, 2020
Cute— I like the shades of color with the bright bolder ones standing out. Your background is well-chosen!! It makes this piece look more 3 dimensional to me! Thanks for sharing!!
- Mrs. Allen on April 13, 2020
How cute, Ellie! I like your bright colors with the trolls. A very cheery picture!! And, I take it that you like trolls!! Have a nice Easter!! Jesus has risen!!
- Mrs. Allen on April 12, 2020
Yummy!!! Great!!
- Mrs. Allen on December 26, 2019
So proud of all you do! You push all of us to be more creative. Keep it up. Love,
- Mom on December 19, 2019
Great use of color, especially in the background!! Your Orca definitely seems to be on the move to somewhere!! Thank you for sharing!!!
- Mrs. Allen on December 11, 2019
Good work on your carvings, perfect for Halloween. Thanks for sharing!! !!
- Mrs. Allen on October 30, 2019
Hi Ellie!! I love your turtle— you have captured him moving, gliding through the water. He is moving in such a relaxed way that he seems almost motionless! Good use of colors and the repeat of the pattern throughout his shell complimenting the one you used for his extremities!! I’m glad you had a great sunmmer— thanks for sharing!! -- Mrs. A
- on October 16, 2019
Hi, your turtle is beautiful. I love how you created various designs on the shell and fins. Your color choices makes this looks do real. Love the design on the head. Thank you for sharing. -- Mrs. Kellum
- on October 16, 2019
Great job. This is great for posters around route 40, Woodstown, Mannington, and Pilesgtove during the week of the fair. Good luck in the contest—- Geoffrey’s entry might give you some competition, though!! Enjoy your last few weeks of school!!! -- Mrs. Allen
- on June 8, 2019
- on June 8, 2019
I love how you drew your deer standing in the snow looking into the darkness. It is nice to see darkness from the deer's point of view. Thanks for sharing. -- Mrs. Kellum
- on April 24, 2019
I like your deer. -- Mrs. Kellum
- on April 24, 2019
Great job!!! Too cute to even think about eating!! I love all of the special designs you incorporated in the trimming of the house. Great job!!! Have a wonderful Christmas with your family and friends. Thank you for sharing!!! -- Mrs. Allen
- on February 3, 2019
Hi! He looks as if he can barely keep his eyes open. Rough day as one of Santa's helpers, eh? His expression is very calming --I hope he gets that last house in before he turns in! Very cute! Thank you for sharing! -- Mrs. Allen
- on December 1, 2018
How cute! Now how do you get him off of the tree carefully??? I know for me, he would be squished before I could move him to another spot. Thank you for sharing.........'tis the season already!!!!! -- Mrs Allen
- on December 1, 2018
Double congrats to you! Keep the awesomeness going!!! -- Mrs. Allen
- on October 10, 2018
So very proud of your Elephant Shrine for the Giant Pumpkin Carve. Watching you plan and execute your design on your own inspires me to work harder. I am glad you found a way to turn a creation you weren't happy with into a masterpiece. Congratulations on receiving the "Best of Youth" award at this year's carve. -- Mom
- on October 2, 2018
How cute! I love the detail--especially the head and back covering and the trunk. This would make an excellent stuffed toy! Keep it in mind for Christmas---a very nice gift (or gifts) for your friends! Enjoy the rest of your summer! -- Mrs. Allen
- on August 29, 2018
Great job! This bee looks as if it could fly off of the tile. Is this for Mrs. Viereck's classroom? I thought of her when I saw it! Thanks for sharing! Enjoy your summer and your experience at Rowan! -- Mrs. Allen
- on August 29, 2018
You never cease to amaze me with your creativity. Excellent work! -- Mom
- on May 23, 2018
Great job, Ellie! I love the math used in this! -- Mrs. A
- on May 23, 2018
Aww! How cute! Was this part of a math lesson? Love it!!! -- Mrs. A
- on May 23, 2018
Good job, Ellie! Nice choice of colors to make it "space-like"! Thank you for sharing! -- Mrs. A
- on May 22, 2018
Hi Ellie, Your Christmas tree scene on the CD is beautiful. The blue sky and the stars on top of the trees, and the ornaments on the trees just complete this picture. You can feel it getting ready to snow. Great job. Thank you for sharing. -- Mrs. Kellum
- on March 21, 2018
This is a very beautiful ornament, Ellie! I love how the trees "hug" the center of the CD and the shading you have in the "sky"!! The dots of color really stand out! Nice job! Don't forget to date it! -- Mrs. A
- on March 21, 2018
G-R-E-A-T! This looks like an idea I saw in the library at Mannington !!!! (Smile) I love the lettering and the bright colors! I'll have to make this one of my favorite quotes! An original! Good for you! Take care and enjoy 2018! -- Mrs. Allen
- on February 1, 2018
Beautiful cookie, Ellie! I love your use of arrows and dots! Too pretty to eat! Have a wonderful Christmas! -- Mrs. Allen
- on December 13, 2017
How cute, Ellie! He looks as if his whiskers are almost moving, especially the one on the left side. This would be good for the Woodstown Yuletide Celebration! A good item to sell! Thanks for sharing! -- Mrs. A
- on November 30, 2017
Love your Beauty and the Beast pumpkin. Looking forward to seeing more of your artwork, soon. -- Mom
- on October 20, 2017
Hi Ellie, I like your superhero. She reminds me of one of the ones that were popular back in the 1980's. I can't remember the name but her eyes kind of remind me. She looks very strong and determined to be successful in her mission. Hope you're ready for school. Enjoy your last few weeks of summer vacation! Good luck in 10th grade. I certainly would love to hear about your trip! See you soon. -- Mrs. Allen
- on August 30, 2017
A-w-e-s-o-m-e, Ellie! I love this! Thank you for sharing! -- Mrs. Allen
- on June 21, 2017
Ellie, truer words have never been spoken!! I hope when the children read this they get it!!? The art work surrounding this quote is beautiful. It gives me the feeling of masquerade theater. I love it! -- Mrs. Kellum
- on June 21, 2017
Hi Ellie, Fantastic sketch of your action figure. She looks very determined to make things right. She is obviously a very fast runner with her hair blowing in the wind. Keep up the good work. -- Mrs. Kellum
- on June 10, 2017
Wow! Ellie! She looks as if she has everything under control and ready to save the world! Good job on her very determined eyes! Keep up the great artwork---I enjoy receiving it! -- Mrs. Allen
- on May 24, 2017
Ellie, I love your Wonder Woman!! Great job! I love her colorful outfit. -- Mrs. Kellum
- on May 24, 2017
Hi El. Love your super woman. What is her superpower? She looks like she is off to save the world. What color is her super power suit? Good job!!! -- Mrs. Kellum
- on May 8, 2017
Amazing superhero. Let's see it in color. -- Mom
- on May 3, 2017
How cute! Definitely a good story to share with children! I love the eyelashes and the bow! Even the three smaller raindrops look curious! Let me know when you publish it! -- Mrs. Allen
- on April 28, 2017
You did a very good job on your Marissa. I really like her hand, I could never draw hands. Love, Grammy
- on April 28, 2017
I hope one day we get to write and illustrate a children's book together. It would be my greatest dream. -- Mom
- on April 9, 2017
What a cute Hebra! Which colors are you deciding on for it? What will it eat? Does it have any friends or predators? This looks like a good one for the Spring Arts Festival! Very nice job!! -- Mrs. Allen
- on January 30, 2017
Ellie, I like your Snowman. Grammy
- on December 14, 2016
Beautiful job, Ellie! The perfect Christmas card! I'm sorry I couldn't make the paint night---maybe the next one! This is so pretty! Merry Christmas to you and your family! Thanks for sharing your talent in art again! -- Mrs. Allen
- on December 14, 2016
Hi Ellie, I love the colors and the use of the purple on the brim of his hat. He has a rather interesting expression--I can't tell if he is unhappy or bored. His pink eyes have my attention which makes it hard to tell what expression he is wearing. Great job! -- Mrs. Allen
- on December 5, 2016
I love this one, too! -- Mrs. Allen
- on November 25, 2016
Wow, Ellie! I love this ornament! It appears to be singing one of the Christmas songs we used to do in our class sing-a-long before Christmas. Good job! -- Mrs. Allen
- on November 25, 2016
Ellie, I like your Wood Slice Ornaments, I looked at all that are on Artsonia they are all very nice. Love, Grammy
- on November 25, 2016
I like your pumpkin. I voted for it. Sorry you didn't win. Love Grammy
- on October 19, 2016
How scary, Ellie! Your detail is very good--especially with the eyes! Happy Halloween! -- Mrs. Allen
- on October 13, 2016
Oh, now I see the detail in your pinwheel. Love it! -- Mrs. Allen
- on October 2, 2016
Good job, Ellie! I love some of the detail you have on the other side of the pinwheel. I'd like to see it unfolded. Keep up your artistic talent while you're in high school. I'll be looking for it at the Spring Arts Festival. -- Mrs. Allen
- on October 2, 2016
I love your shirt, Ellie! It looks perfect for July 4th or New Year's Eve! What a great job! How long did it take you to make it? Looks like a lot of work! Enjoy the few weeks left of your summer! Tell the boys and your parents hello! Love ya! -- Mrs. Allen
- on September 17, 2016
Good job, Ellie! How long did it take you to do these? This reminds me of when I was in Girl Scouts and we had to learn the different knots to get our badge. Can't remember them now, of course! Enjoy the rest of your summer! -- Mrs. Allen
- on August 8, 2016
Ellie I really like your Dream Catcher. Love Grammy
- on August 7, 2016
Hi Ellie! I miss you and your family. Hope you've enjoyed your vacation so far! Your "card" is so nice--- how did you get the design inside the circle to be so exact? It looks like a dream catcher at first! Is red your favorite color? Take care--hope to see you soon! -- Mrs. Allen
- on July 10, 2016
Absolutely amazing tessellation! -- Mom
- on June 8, 2016
Wow! -- Mom
- on June 8, 2016
Hi Ellie! What an awesome design! I was wondering how long it took to do the "electricity" effect! Everything looks like it is placed perfectly. Have a great weekend----4 1/2 more weeks left! -- Mrs. Allen
- on May 13, 2016
Hi Ellie! Great job!!! I love your smile and freckles! Your background contains a lot of different forms. I'm glad you included the paint brushes--nice touch with putting color at the tips. Am I going to see this tomorrow at Teen Arts? I certainly hope so ---you can tell me all about it! Keep working hard---only about 8 more weeks left of school! -- Mrs. Allen
- on April 24, 2016
Ellie, I like your old fashion selfie. Love Grammy
- on April 2, 2016
Hi Ellie, It's been a while since I've seen your Artsonia work but I'm glad it's back. I love your portrait and your background is very "busy" (with all the things you love to do -----right?) Is your mother planning to display this at the Teen Arts Festival or graduation? I think it should be a part of both!!! Take care -----2/12 months left and counting. Love you! -- Mrs. Allen
- on April 2, 2016
That is awesome how you made it look like it's traveling though time. -- DF
- on February 16, 2016
Great job! -- E R
- on February 10, 2016
Hi Ellie, All of your beaded ornaments are beautiful but this one stands out to me. I appreciate the thoughtfulness that you put into this and your choice of color. Well done! -- Love, Mrs. Kellum
- on January 3, 2016
Hi Ellie, I love your Op Art piece. I love how it seems to move like a flag does in a breeze. I also love your color choices. Keep up the good work!! -- Love, Mrs. Kellum
- on January 3, 2016
Hi Ellie, I love your tree but it looks a little sad. I hope it will be perky in time for Christmas! Merry Christmas! -- Mrs. Allen
- on December 23, 2015
Great job, Ellie! I'll be looking for this on Google! -- Mrs. Allen
- on December 11, 2015
I love the way this piece moves. Great work! -- Mom
- on December 10, 2015
Great colors, Ellie. The background makes them stand out. Thanks for sharing. Merry Christmas! -- Mrs. Allen
- on December 3, 2015
Wow, Ellie! You're snowflakes rock! They look sparkly on their own. I think you should hang them from a door way or the ceiling--they need to show off themselves on their own, not on your tree! Just my opinion. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving at Aunt Heidi's (your grandmother told me when I saw her in the Hallmark store yesterday). -- Mrs. Allen
- on November 25, 2015
Hi Ellie! Your reindeer looks like he is ready to go to work for Christmas. Does he have a special spot on your tree? Have a great Thanksgiving! Christmas will be here too soon! Mrs. Allen
- on November 25, 2015
Hi Ellie, I love your pumpkin! Wow! Did you do a live carving of this at the pumpkin carve? I think it would make a nice part of your costume! Will it be a part of your final display at graduation? I think it's great! Happy Halloween! -- Mrs. Allen
- on October 10, 2015
You did a wonderful job helping with Picasso Pumpkins at our Fall Fun Night. Thank you!-- Mrs SF
- on October 10, 2015
Your salute to the Day of the Dead is beautiful. It is very eye catching. This deserves a blue ribbon. Keep up the great work. -- Sharon
- on October 6, 2015
Great work! -- Claudia
- on October 2, 2015
I love your use of color. The owl is so cute. -- Mrs. Kellum
- on October 1, 2015
Congratulations on carving the pumpkin that won the Youth Carvers category. Way to go! -- Mom
- on September 27, 2015
Good job, Ellie! I love the expressions on your bunny and your owl. They look very peaceful too. Thank you for sharing. Mrs. Allen
- on September 23, 2015
Ellie, I like your bright and colorful design. Love Grammy
- on September 15, 2015
You certainly are! Love it! Have a great first week! Love, Mrs. Allen
- on September 8, 2015
I can't believe this is it, your final year at Mannington. You did a great job creating a shield that symbolizes who you have become. Great art!
- on September 5, 2015
Is this one of your favorite Zentangle designs? I really like it. Keep exploring new ideas and practicing old favorites with your artist trading cards. Mom
- on July 27, 2015
I love to see your trading card art. Keep creating. Mom
- on July 26, 2015
Wow, Ellie! You're working hard for the Pinwheels for Peace already? This looks perfect for one of the sides of your pinwheel. Save it for me when you're done! Hope you're enjoying your summer. I hope to see you soon at the Hobo Band concert. Hope your trombone music is getting easier. Good luck at the fair, too. Love, Mrs. Allen
- on July 26, 2015
Hi Ellie! I love the colors you chose for your insect. I especially love the background colors you chose. Hope you're having a great summer. See you soon! -- Mrs. Allen
- on July 18, 2015
That's a very interesting owl you've created. ~ Mom
- on June 23, 2015
I love this print, Ellie! It looks as if you are getting ready for Pinwheels for Peace in September. This would look great as a bulletin board in your bedroom. Have a great summer! I'll be seeing you around! Love, Mrs. Allen
- on June 17, 2015
Ellie, I like your design. Love Grammy
- on June 16, 2015
I really like your Salem county fair design. -- Marissa
- on June 12, 2015
Ellie, I like your Picture frame very much. Love Grammy
- on June 4, 2015
Glad to see you are excited about gardening. We have a lot of work in our garden this year.
- on June 1, 2015
Good use of your sea shells! You should make extras to sell as picture frames and mugs at the Fair!. Really nice!
- on June 4, 2015
Ellie, Nice sign for the 7th grade garden! Love Grammy
- on May 28, 2015
Any ideas on how you will alter one of your finished prints using mixed media?
- on May 19, 2015
Beautiful color print. Wonderful attention to detail. -- Mom
- on May 19, 2015
Ellie I am proud of you for entering this year's Salem County Fair t-shirt design contest. Start thinking about your design for next year. They need new ideas every year.
- on May 18, 2015
Nice job, Ellie! I think I like this better in the black and white. Do you have plans to use it on one of your next projects? Great job! Mrs. Allen
- on May 10, 2015
I like your picture because it looks like all the animals are scrambling. -- Marissa
- on May 6, 2015
I am so glad you aren't afraid to be you. You are so very talented and I am so proud of you. -- Mom
- on April 18, 2015
Hoppy Easter, Ellie! Your bunny looks very happy on his vacation. Hope you are enjoying yours, too! Thank you for sharing your beautiful picture! See you soon! Mrs. Allen
- on April 6, 2015
I love to see your artwork and I display it with pride. -- Mom
- on March 12, 2015
Ellie I like your superhero is she going to save a city. -- Holton
- on February 13, 2015
I like how you added the hair.
- on February 13, 2015
Hey Ellie I love your owl on your hat. -- Holton
- on February 13, 2015
Ellie, I like your hat very much. Love Grammy
- on February 10, 2015
This is really cute I love the owl you put on it. -- Marlen
- on January 28, 2015
Love the owl you added on the hat. -- Donovan
- on January 28, 2015
Cool face. -- Lexi
- on January 28, 2015
You certainly captured Jamie Wyeth's gull. -- Mrs. SF
- on January 26, 2015
Absolutely adorable. We are proud of all your work. -- Mom and Dad
- on January 25, 2015
Cute hat, Ellie! Looks like you're all set for Dr. Suess week! Mrs. Allen
- on January 26, 2015
I love your drawings. -- Billy
- on January 21, 2015
I like how the bird is singing! -- Lee
- on January 21, 2015
Ellie I like it. It is very jolly. -- Marissa
- on January 21, 2015
Ellie I think your pumpkin is funny! -- Marissa
- on January 21, 2015
Neat job, Ellie! Mrs. Allen
- on January 18, 2015
Wow, Ellie! This is perfect for a Christmas card! Maybe next year? Mrs. Allen
- on December 29, 2014
I love your selections of colors, Ellie! Great job! Mrs. Allen
- on December 9, 2014
Of course it's as unique as the artist who created it. Great work. I love your owl's glasses. -- Mom
- on December 8, 2014
I like what you did. It is really cool. -- Marissa
- on November 27, 2014
Hi Ellie! I love your field hockey player! She looks like you---especially with the eyelashes. Nice job! Shall I look for her in the hallway, too? Love, Mrs. Allen
- on November 27, 2014
I like the hair. -- Taylor
- on November 21, 2014
I like your picture. -- Maddie
- on November 21, 2014
Hi Ellie! Your creation looks like a unicorn at first glance. Or is it some type of sea creature I haven't seen yet? Good job! I like the "ears"! Mrs. Allen
- on November 21, 2014
Great job, Ellie! This looks like a water globe idea. Are you submitting it for the Christmas card contest? Good luck. Mrs. Allen
- on November 4, 2014
Very nice sugar skull, Ellie! The eyes are very scary-----oooooooooooooooooooooH! Enjoy your Halloween. Mrs. Allen
- on October 31, 2014
Wow ! wow! Wow! I love it, Ellie! Where did you get the seashells from? They look really good! Are you adding a small bow, too? Thanks for sharing! Mrs. Allen
- on October 21, 2014
Nice pictures, Ellie. Which one is yours? They are really amazing! Mrs. Allen
- on October 14, 2014
You did an amazing job this year at the Giant Pumpkin Carve. Every year you amaze me more and more. You took on a themed set of pumpkins for your 4-H club, then returned the next morning to help carve a second pumpkin. You proved that hard work pays off and I am so proud that your Be Happy, Don't Worry pumpkin won for funniest. The Gremlins cast rocks. I can't wait to see next year's carvings. -- Mom
- on October 12, 2014
I love it, it is so awesome. -- Kylie
- on October 9, 2014
I liked how you made the music notes. -- Dane
- on October 9, 2014
This is an awesome picture! -- Lee
- on October 11, 2014
SO CUTE! I love it, it is super cute. -- Autumn
- on October 9, 2014
Ellie I like all the colors in the center of the pinwheel. Good bye!! -- Holton
- on October 7, 2014
Great job, Ellie! Geoffrey showed this to me on Friday!
- on September 22, 2014
Elllie, I love your owl and the message, "Owl always want peace." Good work! Love Grammy
- on September 24, 2014
Great job, Ellie! I love the colors! How about writing a caption to go with it? Maybe something about your Literacy class. How large is this anyway? Talk with you soon. Love, Mrs. A
- on September 20, 2014
Hi Ellie! I really love this picture. You just gave me an idea for my bulletin board if I can borrow it for a while. How large is it? Those blue eyes really stand out. See you next week. Love, Mrs. A
- on August 20, 2014
Hi Ellie, your train is awesome--I love your use of colors! 7th grade! Wow does time fly! Enjoy your last few weeks. You were great in the concert last week! Mrs. A
- on August 20, 2014
I think this is one of my favorite paintings of yours. I love the owl flying in front of the moon. -- Mom
- on July 6, 2014
Hi Ellie, Your turtle is so cute! I love the eyelash and of course the smile. Have a great summer! Love, Mrs. A
- on July 3, 2014
Ellie, I like your flower with the dark center. Grammy
- on May 9, 2014
Ellie, I like your headband and earrings, very nice work. Love, Grammy
- on May 5, 2014
Without a doubt these are some of the most amazing and original jewelry pieces my students have made yet! Excellent job! Can't wait to see your headpiece. -- Mrs. S-F
- on April 28, 2014
Hi Ellie! I really like your bright colors and the things you put in this picture. I think the girl's mouth should be a smile to reflect all of the beautiful things she sees! Great job!
- on April 22, 2014
So what do you have planned for your next digital piece? Love her eyes. -- Mom
- on April 16, 2014
It looks like you are listening to the music of the natural world around us. Beautiful! -- Mom
- on March 29, 2014
I absolutely love it! Wouldn't the world be so much better if everyone focused on being nature friendly and making beautiful art to share with others? -- Mom
- on March 29, 2014
That looks like a quilt!!!! -- GW
- on March 29, 2014
I love your pumpkin. -- Paul
- on January 27, 2014
I love this card it is cute and I love turtles! -- Amelia
- on January 27, 2014
Awww, they are sooo cute. -- Geoffrey
- on March 29, 2014
Interesting concept! It reminds me of the ocean---expecially seaweed. I love your choice of colors, too. Very nice job! Mrs. A
- on January 14, 2014
Hi Ellie, Your wreath looks very h-eartsy! It will be perfect on your front door, too. I liked your Zentangle ornament as well. Hope you had a wonderful Christmas. See you soon. Love, Mrs. A
- on January 7, 2014
What a beautiful snowflake! It looks like something out of one of your mother's art books! Wow! Mrs. A
- on December 11, 2013
I love your design---it makes a beautiful necklace! Keep up the great artwork! Mrs. A
- on November 25, 2013
Wow! Your ornament makes me feel cold already! I love your snowman a lot. Ready for cold weather already? It won't be long. Good job! See you soon. Mrs. A
- on October 24, 2013
Your hedgehog pumpkins are adorable. Have you started planning for next year's carve. -- Mom
- on October 3, 2013
Very i-n-t-e-r-e-s-t-i-n-g! It looks as if it is made of metal instead of a pumpkin. Wow!
- on October 3, 2013
Wow! Ellie! I love your colors and the dots that look like music notes almost match up where you pinned it together. Keep up the good work! Mrs. A
- on September 25, 2013
I like how you used music and color to represent peace. Great work.
- Heather (teacher at Mannington Township School) on September 16, 2013
Hi Ellie! I love the smile. Is she ready to dance or just posing? Her gown looks very regal-like a princess. Enjoy your first week of school. See you again soon. Love, Mrs. A
- on August 30, 2013
Good work, Ellie! I like all of the different designs and colors. I see that you are getting ready for school early. Enjoy our last few days of vacation. See you soon. Love, Mrs. A
- on August 26, 2013
Hi, Ellie. Hope you are enjoying your summer. I see you've been busy with your artwork. Great job! I can hardly wait to hear you at the concert in a few weeks. Tell Mommy, Daddy, and the boys hello for me. See you soon. Love, Mrs. A
- on August 26, 2013
Wow, Ellie, I love the colors, she looks as if she is about to sing. Her eyes look so happy, too. Great job!
- on May 20, 2013
Wow, Ellie! I love your "Tangled!" It seems to almost move around when you look at the colors and patterns. Thank you for sharing with me. Love, Mrs. A
- on April 22, 2013
It was great to read about your tea party. I had forgotten about that day. Would you like to schedule another tea party this spring? I am so glad you wrote about that as one of your best days ever. It was one I really enjoyed as well. -- Mom
- on March 26, 2013
As always, my Mannington students, you have risen to the challenge and created amazing and inspiring artwork. Congratulations to each of you who entered the Doodle 4 Google contest. In my eyes every one of you deserves to win this contest as it is evident you put thought into how you incorporated the Google logo in your best day ever. I hope you enjoyed meeting the challenge as much as I enjoyed seeing your art develop into the fantastic final pieces in our gallery.
- Heather (teacher at Mannington Township School) on March 24, 2013
You are certainly thinking of Easter! I LOVE your bunny! Mrs. A
- on March 22, 2013
Ellie, I really like your stars, you did in photo shop. Love, Grammy
- on March 4, 2013
Good job, Ellie! I love how each side is totally different from the others. You'll have to show me the sides that the camera didn't take. Keep up the good work! Mrs. A
- on January 25, 2013
I think this may be my favorite Zentangle piece of yours, but I am not sure. Each piece amazes me. I love the contrast on each side. I really like that you turned it into a dated ornament. -- Mom
- on January 16, 2013
Rocky and Celery look like they are having a great time. What a great idea to have them rock the holiday! -- Mom
- on December 5, 2012
You should be proud of the mask you created. I am proud and amazed that from plain blank mask templates emerged these outstanding artistic creations. Your originality and creativity is inspiring to me.
- Heather (teacher at Mannington Township School) on November 6, 2012
That is one sinister expression. Great carving! -- Mom
- on October 9, 2012
Wow your color is so vibrant! Did you plan your messages so they could easily be read when the pinwheel was constructed? I see a well planned work of art. Great job! -- Mom
- on October 13, 2012
Hi Ellie, Yo-yo-ta looks as if she is having a good day. Is she singing? What is her favorite song? Where is she going? Hope you are enjoying your summer. See you soon. Love, Mrs. A.
- on June 22, 2012
Beautiful job, Ellie! I love your choice of colors (blue is my favorite). This may hang in a museum one day. I'll be looking for it! Love, Mrs. Allen
- on June 13, 2012
Hi Ellie! I love your bunny! He is the first bunny I've seen with a mustache. I'm glad he learned to dance because his face looks so sad as he is trying out his steps. Thank you for turning it into a happy story at the end. Love, Mrs. Allen
- on June 13, 2012
Wow, Ellie! Is your creature staring at me? He looks mighty hungry! Is that a hat he's wearing, too? Awesome! Keep up the great artwork! Mrs. A
- on January 11, 2012
Hi, Ellie. Your nature looks as if it can walk right off of the page. Congratulations on your design an ornament being made into glass tomorrow. We are so proud! Love, Mrs. A
- on January 1, 2012
Hi Ellie, I love your Christmas card cover! Is that a friend of the Grinch in the sleigh? I hope we don't get that much snow this winter. Good luck in the contest. Love, Mrs. A
- on November 21, 2011
Your sugar skull is great. I see much detail around the eyes and in the hairline. What a nice job for Halloween. Have a super day, Love, Mrs. A
- on October 31, 2011
Hi there! I just saw your rabbit horse. Shall we call it a rorse or a horbit? Very nice details, too. I always enjoy your art and Holton's, too. When does Geoffrey start? Have a great day. Love, Mrs. A
- on October 26, 2011
Nice job, Ellie! I love the horse's mane and the wing. I can't imagine this animal running or flying around your yard :-). Good luck on the contest! Love, Mrs. A
- on October 26, 2011
Ellie, I really like your young lady in the picture. Nice use of your cool colors. Love, Grammy
- on June 22, 2011
HI Ellie, you did such a good job on your special person's card. I love the colors. Keep up the excellent art work. Love, Mrs. A
- on May 13, 2011
Ellie, I love your Manatee! Your design is great! Let me know when you wear it to school. Mrs. A
- on May 3, 2011
Great job, Ellie! Mrs. A
- on April 29, 2011
Great job, Ellie. This is a very good picture of Betsy Ross. I love the colors. Happy Easter. Love, Mrs. A
- on April 27, 2011
Hi Ellie, It looks as if your bunny can hop right off the page. Great job and hoppy Easter! Love, Mrs. A
- on April 24, 2011
Wow, Ellie, your sea creatures are great. They look as if they can swim right off of the page. Tell Mommy they would make a great bulletin board. Have a good week this week. love, Mrs. A
- on April 24, 2011
Hi Ellie! Sorry I'm just getting around to see your artwork for the poster contest. I love your picture---it is very colorful --I think it should be on TV. Keep up the good work! Love, Mrs. Allen -- p
- on April 1, 2011
I love your drawing of Natalie. Keep practicing your art! -- Mom
- on February 14, 2011
Ellie, I like your drawing very much, nice work. Love, Grammy
- on February 14, 2011
El, I photographed this and uploaded it to Artsonia a week ago and I just now sat back and really looked at the art. You brought a huge smile to my face. I love his tears and the me above his head. Nice work! -- Mom
- on November 30, 2010
Hi El, Your house looks very lovely all covered with snow. Winter is certainly here very early according to your picture. Good luck on entering this for the Blue Rocks Christmas card contest. I love the joy your tree brings just looking at it. Hope you enjoyed your Thanksgiving! Christmas is certainly on the way!!! Love, Mrs. Allen
- on November 30, 2010
Hi Ellie! Your picture makes me feel cold when I look at it. The sky looks as if snowflakes are about to fall. You can almost feel the cold wind blowing, too. Be sure to display it on the first day of winter in December---just in time to get us ready for Christmas. Love, Mrs. Allen
- on November 8, 2010
Hi El, Your pumpkin girl is fabulous. I love her earrings and her nose. Her hairdo looks like mine (did you use a picture of me for this? smile). Have a great Halloween with your brothers. See you at the parade on Thursday. Love, Mrs. Allen
- on October 26, 2010
Love it! Great job Ellie! -- Aunt Hope
- on October 26, 2010
Hi El, I love your pinwheel pictures and the sentences about peace. You did put a lot of work into this! Did you get to see it blowing in the wind? I did and it was awesome! Have a great weekend! Love, Mrs. Allen
- on September 25, 2010
Hi El, You look very happy in your new clothes to be back in school. I love your smile and the decorations on your clothes. Have a great year! Love, Mrs. Allen
- on September 16, 2010
Ellie, I really like your rainbow picture. Love, Grammy
- on July 7, 2010
Looks so realistic!! -- Stephanie
- on July 5, 2010
So pretty, I love it, Ellie!! Keep creating master pieces. -- Hope
- on July 2, 2010
Before you know it you will be better at photoshop than Mom. -- Geoffrey
- on July 2, 2010
We really enjoy your digital artwork. You amaze us with your computer ability. -- Mom and Dad
- on July 2, 2010
I'm glad you're my big sister. I really like your artwork and I want to be an artist like you. I love you. -- Holton
- on April 10, 2010
Your flying fish turned out very well. Do you have anymore sculptures to display? I am looking forward to new lightbulb designs. -- Mrs SF
- on March 9, 2010
Beautiful job, E! Keep up the beautiful work! -- Mrs. A
- on February 12, 2010
I like your Christmas Tree ornament, it is very pertty. Love, Grammy
- on January 7, 2010
Great job, Ellie. You're getting to be as good as your Mommy. I love it! Mrs. Allen
- on December 16, 2009
Are you planning any more art projects with leaves? Your turkey is great. I like how you layered your leaves.
- on December 16, 2009
Great job, Ellie! Be sure to save this for 3rd grade when you study the planets. What are you going to do for Christmas? Mrs. A
- on November 25, 2009
Ellie, I like your pinwheel for peace, you did a very nice job. I hope you had fun making the pinwheel. See you soon! Love, Grammy
- on November 2, 2009
Very cool, Ellie. I love seeing your artwork. Keep up the great work. I miss you. Love, Aunt Hope
- on October 12, 2009
Did you enjoy using the computer to create your artwork? Do you have a new piece planned?
- on October 9, 2009
El there you are again, always drawing. Keep up the great work. You know we love to display your art. I am looking forward to your finished Eric Carle sculpture. Mom
- on September 29, 2009
- on June 6, 2009
Beautiful work, Ellie! You're getting to be as great as Mommy and Daddy. Keep drawing! I enjoy your pictures! Love, Mrs. A
- on June 6, 2009
Ellie, I am very proud of you. Your artwork always brings beauty into our home. Keep up the good work and remember, I love you, Daddy
- on May 27, 2009
Wow, Ellie! You are really following in Mommy's footsteps! I really enjoyed looking at your work. Keep up the good work. Are you giving your brothers lessons? Love, Mrs. A
- on April 15, 2009
Your drawings always make me smile. Keep up the good work. I am looking for drawings of you and your brothers. I can't wait to see your interpretation of the baby. Love, Mom
- on April 15, 2009
I really enjoyed making Valentine cards with you. I can't wait to make something else with you! Love, Mom
- on February 17, 2009
Hi Ellie! What a fabulous pumpkin! I love the big nose and the smile. Keep creating. You'll have to get your brother to join the club. Love, Mrs. Allen
- on November 12, 2008
Beautiful job, Ellie! This really made our pinwheel design outside extra special. Be sure to save it for next year. Love, Mrs. A
- on September 27, 2008
Your pinwheel for peace looks like you put a lot of time into your artwork. I really like how you used all of the colors and added shapes as well. Nice Work.
- on September 24, 2008
What a great job you did drawing you and Daddy. I am so proud of you! Love, Mommy
- on September 21, 2008
Beautiful job! Keep up the creative drawings. You're going to be one of the best artists around. Love, Mrs. Allen
- on May 5, 2008
Grammy really likes your picture of you and Mommy. Love, Grammy
- on April 30, 2008
Your tree is so festive and bright. I can't wait to use it to decorate our new house next Christmas. Do you have more art for artsonia?
- on April 28, 2008
E, I like your mask! Love, Grammy
- on November 9, 2007
You have a crazy picture of your wonderful Aunt Heidi!! You know she must be your favorite Aunt in the world!! Keep on drawing, Love Aunt Heidi
- on November 9, 2007
You did such a great job on this pumpkin and the ones you carved! Keep up the good work.
- on November 3, 2007
Wow, it looks like you have two really fun aunts. I hope they see your art and enjoy your caricatures. You are going to be a great artist. You are already a great daughter. Love, Mom
- on October 22, 2007
Ellie, Great jack-o-lantern! You must be ready for the Great Pumpkin Carve this year. Hope to see you there! Your cousin Marissa!
- on October 12, 2007
Hi E! You certainly are a talented young lady--just like Mommy and Daddy. I enjoyed looking at your picture. Is it you or Mommy? The hair bow is awesome. Give your brother a hug for me. See you soon! Mrs. A and Marcy
- on April 30, 2007
I like you drawing. You did a great job! Keep up the good work. From Holton's babysitter, Kathy
- on February 19, 2007
I love to see you dance! - Mom
- on February 6, 2007
Nice picture! I see it almost every day in the art room it's soo.. cute! I like the mouse one too that one is funny :) I hope you make more.
- on November 29, 2006
dear Ellie I am very excited to see you art on the internet I can't wait to see moreof your wondeful artwok. i think you should put the mouse on the internet. from:Mike
- on November 16, 2006
This is the best dancing girl I have ever seen. It's #11111111111!!!!!!!!! You ROCK!!!!
- on October 18, 2006
Awesome job want to see more of your art.
- on October 18, 2006
See you in class on sunday. Conor
- on October 18, 2006
Great job! This is a beautiful picture. Keep making your artwork. Do you think you could open your own art studio?
- on October 18, 2006
Way to Go!!
- on October 18, 2006
nice dancer
- on October 18, 2006
Nice Picture!
- on October 18, 2006
What a happy picture from a happy girl. Love, Aunt Mary Lou & Uncle Drew
- on October 17, 2006
Wow, it's so cute!!! Can't wait to see more!
- on October 16, 2006
We are so proud of our little artist. Never stop creating and expressing yourself. Mom and Dad