March 26, 2017

News from your child's school art room
March 26, 2017
Expressions Charter Chat: April 2017
from Jenell Novello
The "earth" without "art" is just "eh."- Ned Roram

Dear Students and Families,
I want to THANK everyone for coming out the Harry Potter for Hospitals event! We raised over $400.00 to buy book sets for children in hospitals. Since then we have also received some small donations towards our Donors Choose with hope it will get fully funded by the end of the school year!
Thank you for helping our students make a difference!

~Jenell Novello

Just for Grade 7

Wildlife Warriors Skype Session, SPCA Presentation- phew, what a week! 7th grade students are in the midst of the Kindness for Paws Unit becoming more aware of factors that affect animals both domestic and wild. This colorful unit will lead into the beloved hand-sewing unit! After students master hand-sewing techniques in Expressions they will sew pet beds in class to donate to the Sacramento SPCA!  An informational letter with materials list was sent home with your child earlier this week and is linked here. Please let me know asap if you need assistance accessing these materials as they are due Monday, April 3rd. 

Just for Grade 8

I am SO very proud of the knitting efforts of the 8th Grade Class! Knitting Season is almost over and soon we will be weaving our knitted strips together to form blankets. Once the blankets are formed we will need help with crocheting bordered edges around the blankets for a finishing touch. This is a great at-home parent hour opportunity if you know how to crochet please click this link to sign up. Our goal is to donate a minimum of 15 baby blankets to Project Linus- SO AMAZING!
Artsonia is the largest student art museum in the world! Our dream is that every young artist will have an online art gallery, preserving their masterpieces in a digital portfolio!