News from your child's school art room
September 23, 2017
September Expressions Charter Chat
from Jenell Novello
The "earth" without "art" is just "eh."- Ned Roram

It has been SO GREAT getting to know the 7th grade students and reconnecting with 8th graders as well! As we continue to settle into routines, please remind your child to use their “warm-up” and “cool-down” sketching time wisely in Expressions. This is a 5-10 minute period provided at the start and end of our daily routine where students are provided quiet time to develop their drawing skills in their classroom sketchbooks! The first sketchbook assessment will be at the end of the first trimester.

Thank You for the Art Materials Donation that were turned so far! Donations are accepted year round so if you haven’t had a chance yet the donation form is linked here. A BIG Thank you also goes out from me to NAEF! NAEF has recently funded a second grant of mine that will benefit both 7th and 8th grade students by providing materials and storage for their classroom sketchbooks! NAEF welcomes you all in becoming a member if you would like to support the arts on a broader scale. Lastly, my most recent Expressions Donors Choose Project is linked here- please help spread the word!

Immediate Classroom Needs:
  • Vaseline jars (generic brand OK)
  • glue sticks
  • foaming hand soap refill bottles
  • 409 Spray
  • Dollar Tree LED lights (colorful or white)
  • newspaper
  • Dollar Tree Landscape Scene Calendars (variety)
  • black Sharpies
  • 7th Grade Walking History/Street Art Field Trip Wednesday, Oct 4
  • 8th Grade CA Museum/IMAX/Capital Field Trip Thursday, Oct 5
  • Click this link to track your own Parent Hours
  • Art Donation Form
Upcoming Events:
  • November 2nd: Day of the Dead Exhibit

Just for Grade 7

This week the 7th Grade Expressions students will begin our Day of the Dead Art Unit. An information letter will be sent home Monday but is also linked here. This unit will culminate into a colorful and festive art exhibit in the MPR Gallery that is scheduled to open on Thursday, November 2nd so set your reminders!

Just for Grade 8

This week the 8th Grade Expressions students will begin our Day of the Dead Art Unit. An information letter will be sent home Monday but is also linked here. This unit will culminate into a colorful and festive art exhibit in the MPR Gallery that is scheduled to open on Thursday, November 2nd so set your reminders!
Artsonia is the largest student art museum in the world! Our dream is that every young artist will have an online art gallery, preserving their masterpieces in a digital portfolio!