News from your child's school art room
October 16, 2018
Expressions Charter Chat: September 2018
from Jenell Novello
The "earth" without "art" is just "eh."- Ned Roram

It has been SO GREAT getting to know the 7th grade students and reconnecting with 8th graders as well! As we continue to settle into routines, please remind your child to use their “warm-up” and “cool-down” sketching time wisely in Expressions. This is a 5-10 minute period provided at the start and end of our daily routine where students are provided quiet time to develop their drawing skills in their classroom sketchbooks! The first sketchbook assessment will be at the end of the first trimester.

Grant Updates! Hooray! A grant that was submitted for materials to construct a Graffiti Wall for my students has just beeen awarded! Now that the grant was funded, I am in need of a handy person or two to "Build The Wall"- for art, that is. ;) The grant was submitted to NAEF, and if you haven't become a member yet, please consider joining. NAEF welcomes you all in becoming a member if you would like to support the arts on a broader scale. Lastly, my most recent Expressions Donors Choose Project is linked here- please help spread the word!

Immediate Classroom Needs:
  • Exhibit set-up helpers over a series of days. Click this link to sign up!
  • Build a Graffiti wall (I will provide plans and materials) please email
Thank you for your continued support!
~Jenell Novello

Just for Grade 7

7th Grade Students are currently in the middle of the Day of the Dead Art Unit. Students learned how to use Xacto Knives in order to hand cut traditional Papel Picados- such a feat!  Now that we are back from break, we are now moving on to Block Printing in the style of Jose Guadalupe Posada. The final project will be a test of knowledge about The Day of the Dead with a Collaborative Remembrance Skeleton Collage.

Just for Grade 8

8th Grade Students just started their first Day of the Dead project, Sugar Skull Mash-up Portraits. I love this project and how engaged the students are using oil pastels! The next project, Plaster Gauze Masks, give the students a unique experience of teamwork and trust. The final project, Embroidered Sugar Skulls, will require students to revisit their sewing skills from 7th grade. So much fun to be had! 
Artsonia is the largest student art museum in the world! Our dream is that every young artist will have an online art gallery, preserving their masterpieces in a digital portfolio!