News from your child's school art room
March 17, 2018
Expressions Charter Chat: March 2018
from Jenell Novello
The "earth" without "art" is just "eh."- Ned Roram

WE SURVIVED! The 7th and 8th Grade wrapped up their Survival Units this month and created some awesome art along the way. The 7th Graders survived the Middle Ages by having clothes on their backs, fighting off disease and understanding the language of heraldry! The 8th Graders survived the 19th Century by weaving baskets for collecting, hand sewing for their clothes, and forming clay vessels for storing water!
Creating Art is always fun, but it’s extra cool to learn about history and culture while we do it. Great Gob 7th and 8th Graders!
Jenell Novello
Current Donors Choose Project

Just for Grade 7

It's All About Perspective! 7th Grade is about to finish their first project within the Perspective Unit. We use rulers, erasers and sharpies a TON so if you child is asking for these things for home, you know why! The best thing about the unit is the mastery project- Collaborative Perspective Tape Murals. These 30+ murals will be the 7th Graders first Public Art installation at NCS and will be viewable at Street Fair in May.
In April we'll begin the Hand sewing Unit. A letter was sent home last week with a materials list. If this letter didn't make it home, here is a link with all the recommended materials due April 16.

Just for Grade 8

Knitting Season has Sprung! Today I can say with confidence that 90% of our 8th Grade class is successfully knitting! Thanks to the combined effort of our AMAZING Student Experts AND LE Family Members that came in today for lunch workshop and Expressions classes. This support system will continue next week to make sure everyone receives the support they need. Parents, if you are wondering how you can support your child at home, a link to the Project Linus Calendar is here. On the Calendar are links to MANY troubleshooting videos that your child may need from home in the earliest stages.
In late April, we will need crocheters to crochet a bordered edge around each blanket that we create. Please be on the look out for a Crocheters Request and keep in mind anyone you know that may want to help.
Artsonia is the largest student art museum in the world! Our dream is that every young artist will have an online art gallery, preserving their masterpieces in a digital portfolio!