News from your child's school art room
January 30, 2018
Expressions Charter Chat: January 2017
from Jenell Novello
The "earth" without "art" is just "eh."- Ned Roram

I hope everyone had a safe, healthy and happy holiday season!

It's hard to believe that we are at the halfway mark of the school year. Some awesome achievements since coming back from break include the completion of 33 Book Cover Ceiling Tile Legacy Murals created by the 8th grade students. These amazing murals are being installed in the LMC and LE Classrooms. In addition to the ceiling tiles being installed, the Pop Art Exhibit, which includes artwork from 7th-8th grade, is open and will run through February 8. You  can catch a glimpse of it at the upcoming Humanities Night this Thursday!

I have so much more fun and exciting art projects to share with my students and I can't wait to get started!

Thank you for your continued support.
~Jenell Novello

Just for Grade 7

Let’s Get Digital! 7th grade is piloting a Digital Art Unit that I created for this year. There are 3 projects within this unit that will expose students to drawing apps on the iPad and animation apps on the Chromebook. Digital art is so engaging and a nice break from complex art materials and mediums that we’ve been working with. I hope to continue developing digital art opportunities for my students.

Just for Grade 8

Art Techies at Work! 8th Grade has their own digital art unit that is challenging and engaging. There are 3 projects within this unit that will build upon drawing and painting skills they have acquired over their years. From apps on the iPad to applications on the Chromebook, this unit is sure to be one of their faves!
Artsonia is the largest student art museum in the world! Our dream is that every young artist will have an online art gallery, preserving their masterpieces in a digital portfolio!