Big Bear Middle
Big Bear Lake, California
School Activity
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The next award will be earned after publishing 5,000 artworks! This award is almost earned!
Welcome to our Big Bear Middle School visual arts gallery on Artsonia. Thank you for visiting and supporting the arts. You can view your child's artwork here (or friend, relative...or a student from another country!).
Did you know you can even purchase things like T-SHIRTS, JOURNALS, ART PRINTS, COASTERS, MUGS, STATIONARY...ETC., ETC., ETC., WITH PERSONALIZED ARTWORK ON IT?!!! 20% OF THESE PURCHASES go back to our classroom at Big Bear Middle School for art supplies!
ALSO...Check out our new feature...Art Videos!
and..Thank you for VISITING our world wide web art gallery!
Mrs. Seaman and all of her art students from the Bear Valley Unified School District, in Big Bear Lake, California, USA
No artwork has been published to this school.