Holli75's artwork

37 artwork views
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created by Holli75 in Grade 5 at Park Elementary School
from school project "Storyteller"
art id #47564805
Comments about this Artwork
Nice job Holli !! Very colorful and creative.
-- Grandpa Joe
June 4, 2016
Holli, l I LOVE your sculpture! Since she has an H on her shirt does that mean it's you? Great work.........keep it up !
-- Grandma
June 4, 2016
20% of every purchase is donated to the school arts program at Park Elementary School
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Abby - Mother
Mo And Randy - Mother
Drew - Father
Grandpa Joe - Grandfather
Grandma Jo Anne - Grandmother
plus 6 others ...
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Portfolio Award for 3 art - you have 0 art!
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Rave Reviews for 5 comments - you have 0 comments!