News from your child's school art room
November 4, 2015
Expressions Charter Chat: October 2015
from Mrs. Novello and Mrs. Shane
The "earth" without "art" is just "eh."- Ned Roram

It was so great so visit with students and family members at the Dia de los Muertos Family night last Wednesday. 
THANK YOU for taking the time to check out the exhibit and see all the fabulous work our students have been creating!
We also want to thank all of the people who helped put up the art exhibit, donated supplies and helped out in the artroom this month. 


Just for Grade 7

Students are now in the middle of the Perspective Unit. This unit provides students with skills to create 3-dimensions on a 2-dimension surface. There is a LOT of precise measuring required in this unit that makes the Math department happy! Once students have completed their 2-point street perspective they will be ready to demonstrate mastery by completing Tape Perspective Murals that will be displayed up and dopwn the LE hallway. Stay Tuned!

Just for Grade 8

Students are in the middle of the Global Thinking Unit. Student efforts will impact our local, regional and global communities. Currently, students are knitting strong for Project Linus. Our goal is to knit 13 stadium-sized blankets. Students also created Pinwheels for Students Rebuild Healing Classrooms in Syria. Our Modern Art Pinwheels will raise $1000.00 towards healing classrooms. Lastly, students will create placemats for Meals On Wheels in the style of Nicholas Krushenick
Artsonia is the largest student art museum in the world! Our dream is that every young artist will have an online art gallery, preserving their masterpieces in a digital portfolio!