News from your child's school art room
May 31, 2016
Expressions Charter Chat: May/June 2016
from Jenell Novello and Emily Shane
The "earth" without "art" is just "eh."- Ned Roram

2015-16 has been a FABULOUS year! We should all be very proud of the creative risks we took and the amazing art we accomplished TOGETHER! Thanks to all of our students and families for the love and support you provided us this year!

Though there is much to celebrate, it is also a bitterweet time getting ready to promote the 8th grade class. We are excited for your next journey but hope you don't go too far so come back and VISIT! Another transition taking place is Mrs. Novello will be returning to teach Expressions full-time once again next year as Mrs. Shane is moving over to STAR Academy full-time to teach Art k-5. We will miss Mrs. Shane's smiling face, warm encouragement and dedicated partnership! 

Just for Grade 7

We are in the middle of our Scratch Art Unit and will begin preparations for our Scratch Art Portrait Final this week! The Black and White Posterized Portraits are always a favorite and will welcome you back as 8th Grade Students! 

Just for Grade 8

We are in the middle of our Pen and Ink Unit and will begin preparations for our Pen and Ink Pun Final. This is a fun final that really produces AMAZING results! We will also prepare for Promotion 6/7-6/8 so don't forget to stay after school on those days! 
Artsonia is the largest student art museum in the world! Our dream is that every young artist will have an online art gallery, preserving their masterpieces in a digital portfolio!