Thank you for taking a few moments to find out what has been happening in your child's art class. There is so much more learning going on than a glimpse in the hallways would show since we do so many digital extensions to our learning with our class set of iPads.
-NEW FUGLEFLICK: UNDO: What would life be like with an undo button?
Students worked two months on this magical two minute movie full of green screen effects, rotoscope animation, and clever storytelling techniques.
View it here. Learn more from
this post.
DO THE DRYDEN DOS Won first place in the
NextVista student video contest. Congratulations!
Thank you so much for all those that contributed to the LEGO project and my PD project to attend the NAEA conference to share our Dryden art program ideas with art teachers across the country. Both have been fully funded!
We’ve been creating some awesome pieces with our legos.
-4th graders have recreated the
American Gothic in Legos
-2nd graders collaboratively made
a portrait Jackie Robinson for Black History Month
-5th graders made a
portrait of artist/author Faith Ringgold, the inspiration for their upcoming project
-A mix of grades had a chance to recreate a Rembrandt painting,
Man with Gold Chain
Please consider supporting
our current project to obtain 3Doodlers for the art room.
ARTSONIA ARTIST OF THE WEEK WINNER! Thank you to all those that voted for Jenny when her art was randomly selected for the
Artist of the Week contest. She received a beautiful plaque and a gift card for art supplies. The art room also received $100 of art supplies too! Thanks to your 977 votes in 4 day, we all won!
Visit your child’s portfolio on Artsonia.
Congratulations to our very own Dylan for being the only elementary art student in the state of Illinois on the
Illinois Art Education Youth Art Month Poster this year with her magic carpet painting
from this lesson in third grade. Coincidentally, this lesson is also featured in the March 2019 issue of
School Arts Magazine here.
The lesson is transdigital, meaning it had a physical and digital aspect. You can scan the QR code on the poster to see Dylan fly on her magic carpet.
Learn more:
Youth Art Month Poster Winner 2019 - Dryden Art
Fun Fact: This is the sixth YAM poster a Dryden artist has been featured on in the past 8 years!
View my archive of posters here:
Offline Gallery - Dryden Art
I wrote up our third grade Magic Carpet lesson from last school year for the Media Arts special edition of the School Arts Magazine. Congrats to Piper and Callie for having their work featured on this two-page spread.
View the article online here.
School Arts Article: Magic Carpet Ride - Dryden Art
I also have a very detailed blog post about all the steps and behind the scenes work to making these Magic Carpet Rides.
View the lesson post here.Just for Kindergarten
Artsonia Art Gallery - Kindergarten Landscapes
Students explored the secondary colors with these beautiful pumpkin patch landscape collages. They mixed paint to make purple and added wind to their mysterious sky. They mixed to make green for grass, orange for lines that curve down the pumpkin, and brown for stems and leaves. Notice all the overlapping as they placed a pumpkin in the foreground, middle ground, and background.
Some only have a speck of horizon line showing, but that was important too.
Artsonia Art Gallery - Snowman Painting
Students used large, medium, and small overlapped circles to build a snowman with layered paint.
Artsonia Art Gallery - Kindergarten Snowman Sculpture
Kindergarteners made a 3D sculpture of a snowman out of one lump of model magic clay. This was secretly a math lesson where students learn to divide clay.
View the lesson here: for Grade 1
Artsonia Art Gallery - Pigeon Paintings
First graders have been diving into the Pigeon books by Mo Willems. They painted these pigeons to use as a graphic in their next pigeon book.
Learn more here:
Artsonia Art Gallery - Pigeon Don'ts
First graders are trying their hand at graphic design by combining a digital image of their pigeon paintings with their own "pigeon don't" book cover design inspired by, Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus. See my post here:
Artsonia Art Gallery - Patterned Symmetrical Mittens
First graders used color, line, and shape pattern on their beautifully painted mittens. Don't forget to compliment the artists and join their fan clubs:)
Students listened to the Fugleflick Video REPEAT to learn about Pattern. See this super cute video and sing along on this Karaoke page:
Artsonia Art Gallery - Expressive Robots
1st graders studied facial expressions found in Rembrandt's paintings and practiced drawing different expressions. Then they created a portrait of a robot and drew their favorite expression on its face. Next, they will animate a symbol that represents the expression on the iPad and combine the two pieces of art in a unique way. Stay tuned!
Just for Grade 2
Artsonia Art Gallery - I'm Here
2nd graders were inspired by the book, I'm Here, to ride on their own paper airplane in search of friendship. Learn about the animation, paper airplane making, and green screen effects they explored on my blog:
Their animations have been put together into class movies:
2nd graders collaboratively made
a LEGO portrait Jackie Robinson for Black History Month
A mix of grades including 2nd grade had a chance to recreate a Rembrandt painting,
Man with Gold Chain using LEGOS.
Artsonia Art Gallery - Self-Portrait Sketch
2nd Graders worked on measuring and mapping out the face to draw their self-portrait in proportion. Stay tuned. These sketches will become paintings and digital animations.
Learn more here: for Grade 3
Artsonia Art Gallery - Op Art Color Wheel with Rotational Symmetry
3rd graders learned about the color wheel, complementary colors, pattern, and optical illusions as they created these rotationally symmetrical designs. See these become animations that the students fall into.
3-1 animations:
3-2 animations:
3-3 animations:
3-4 animations:
Learn more:
Artsonia Art Gallery - Whoville Residents
The goal of this lesson is to inspire students with the demonstration of community in Whoville as seen in the animated version of How the Grinch Stole Christmas by Dr. Seuss. These colorful creatures stand hand in hand and sing as they celebrate a non-materialistic holiday (because the Grinch stole their "stuff" but not their love for each other and joy of being together.)
Students will experience a community in our art room as we work together to recreate this scene digitally in a class collaboration.
View the movie here:
Learn more:
Artsonia Art Gallery - Hot Cocoa Still Life
3rd graders made a shape into a form, used tints, shades, color/line/shape pattern to make these amazing still life paintings.
Learn more:
Artsonia Art Gallery - Steamy Hot Cocoa
3rd graders learned to make an animate of steamy hot cocoa, a symbol on the mug, and a wintery sky over their physical artwork.
Learn more: for Grade 4
4th graders constructed alien landscapes that demonstrated background, middle ground, foreground in a color scheme that matched their alien.
These habitats have a clear path for their alien to run.
See our class movies:
View our inspiration video from artist/animator Andy Martin, Planet Eleven:
See our lesson here:
4th graders have recreated the
American Gothic in Legos
Artsonia Art Gallery - American Gothic Spoof (sketch)
4th graders are working on creating a new story for the American Gothic painting by making the portrait of Grant Wood's 1930 portrait into a spoof.
Learn more:
Soon students will spend a few weeks preparing for the field trip to the Art Institute of Chicago with a series of fun games that will help them become familiar with their permanent collection of art.
Just for Grade 5
Artsonia Art Gallery - Make it then Move it Robots
These Robots have been set up for an Augmented Reality effect.
If you print or purchase an image of the robot you can watch it come to life:
1. Download HP Reveal app
2. Login: artdryden, Password: dolphins (or follow the fuglefunart account if you already have an account)
3. Press the blue scan button over the robot and it will start to animate.
See this demo of the effect here:
Students animated their robot paintings using the Brushes Redux app on the iPads. Learn more here:
Class movies:
Artsonia Art Gallery - Creating Value
5th graders collaboratively painting a value painting of someone who has added value to our world.
They read coordinates to find their piece, learned about their subject and worked side by side with others to contribute to one painting.
Learn more here:
5th graders made a LEGO
portrait of artist/author Faith Ringgold, the inspiration for their upcoming project.