April 4, 2014

News from your child's school art room
April 4, 2014
Art Room News, April 4, 2014
from Mrs. Tricia Fuglestad
Thank you for taking a few minutes to learn about some cool things that are happening in the art room lately...
Fugleblog posts (since last newsletter): Artsonia Exhibits Published (recently): Is your child in the Hall of Fame (on Artsonia)?
The Hall of Fame Raffle will be on Friday, MAY 16th
To qualify for this chance to win a T-Shirt with art of choice printed on it, your child need to have all three ribbons awarded by having 5 pieces of art, 5 fan club members, and 5 comments published this school year. Learn more here.
Artsonia is the largest student art museum in the world! Our dream is that every young artist will have an online art gallery, preserving their masterpieces in a digital portfolio!