from Mrs. Fuglestad, Dryden's Art Teacher
Thank you so much for taking the time to see what's going on in Dryden's Art Room
Our Heart Houses Need a Home (watch the ADORABLE little 1st graders explain our Art Service Project in the video we made.) We still have many for sale-send me a note or email. Learn how we are helping Super Storm Sandy Victims in the video below:
Make our Dreams Come True (Artsonia extended their Holiday delivery date to Dec. 19th)
Facing the Facts: George Washington (see the video of 2nd graders sharing facts they learned about our first president as they work on his portrait)
Big News about Illinois 2013 YAM Poster (this is AWESOME news Congrats Ben & Robert)
Let's Bring on the Snow! During the last week of school before break we will be making snow in the art room
The Fugleblog is in the Running for... (thank for your votes to put the Fugleblog in the top ten Art Education blogs for 2012)
I won an Edubro Award! (This is a super silly education award you can look at for a laugh)
Have a wonderful winter break enjoying some time off and time together.
Follow me on twitter for more timely updates.
See you next year!