November 19, 2013

News from your child's school art room
November 19, 2013
Art Volunteers
from Mrs. Stormes
Interested in helping display art work?  Mrs. Stormes could use some help to hang student work around the school a few times a month.  If you have your clearances and would be interested in helping out, please email Mrs. Stormes at nstormes@dovesd.org

Many thanks!

Just for Grade 4

Fourth grade will be embarking on a solar system mural in our hallway.  This is collaborative project between the fourth grade classroom teachers and the art room!  We hope to start painting in the beginning of December.  If you would be interested in helping out during fourth grades art time, to assist with monitoring students and organizing supplies, please let Mrs. Stormes know!  Fourth grade has art class from 10:25-11:05 on our regular schedule days. Extra hands and eyes would be appreciated!
Artsonia is the largest student art museum in the world! Our dream is that every young artist will have an online art gallery, preserving their masterpieces in a digital portfolio!