Corey508's artwork

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created by Corey508 in Grade 8 at Cruickshank Middle School (7-8)
from school project "Popcorn Transformation Drawing"
art id #1641838
About this School Project (Popcorn Transformation Drawing)
Students did a study of two popcorn kernels, drawing them with white compressed charcoal. Keeping the kernels in the same orientation, the students, transformed the popcorn images into identifiable objects and used colored pencil to portray these objects.
Comments about this Artwork
I like your spacial relationships. Some procative shapes, and some nice open spaces. Kind of minimal too, which is harder to do (well) than it seems, huh? I love you! - Auntie Noel
May 14, 2007
Your understanding of shading is wonderful and so very creative. Keep up the good work! Love, Grandma
March 28, 2007
20% of every purchase is donated to the school arts program at Cruickshank Middle School (7-8)
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Portfolio Award for 3 art - you have 0 art!
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